User:Kodi Venomspike/4 years

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4 years.
I'm glad I made this! In this 4 years there was many change, many joyfull things and many things I shall (try) to remmber forever. I had and have a great time in Gw and nothing can ever change that. I am really looking forward to the release of GW2 (who knows when that will be) but other than that i have met some really cool people.
I just want to thanks some people who helped me to have this amazing time:

First, my guild. The fun we have is never ending!

Jades The Ice Queen
and Mage Montu

Then, my alliance. There is no better one!
Phoenix Helena
Sylvarian Sadness
Luna Aldara
Anno Rang
Hooi Zak
Lyger Lethologica
Josh Rhox
Gracimar The Quiet
and many, many others.
