User:Xeeron/suggestions/Balance Skills According to GameType/Mode

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Just like skills were balanced differently for PVP and PVE, why not balance skills differently for certain gametypes? Some skills may be more abusive in certain modes with larger teams or smaller teams.

Why this is a good idea
  •  May help balance skills according to their use on a larger or smaller scale.
  •  May help new players make builds that contain skills which relate more to the mode their playing. Rather then use skills meant for larger or smaller scale fights.
  • Skills no longer get nerfed due to abuse in other types of PvP. There are plenty of skills that were underpowered in random arenas but overpowered in GvG/HA. (example:Rampage As One)
Why it may not work out
  •  Might make skill balance too complicated.
  •  Might allow for skills to be abused even more then before.
  •  Might not make a difference at all.