User talk:Bakunetsu004

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I share your opinion[edit]

First of all, Welcome to the wiki !!!

Oh yeah canthan characters look way better (except elementalists, perhaps). The only bad point is that you can't get the LDoA title. However a very plaisant thing is that you can vanquish Zen Daijun (explorable area) with 0 kills (which is useful for the zaishen vanquish quest and the canthan vanquisher title). WoC is hard : even in NM, even if you know the game. Plus it is very long and (worst of all) it yields no interesting reward compared to the time you need to invest for it (which also means finding another player willing to help will take a while) so I wouldn't mention it. My personal suggestion is to gather as much heroes as possible (especially necromancers and mesmers such as Master of Whispers, Livia and Norgu, though you can also go with monks and elementalists) before going any further in the campaigns.-- 12:55, 11 November 2015 (UTC)


You're right about LDoA and heroes like necromancers and mesmers.I really tried, believe me, to get LDoA title so hard but it's so boring for me to stay and complete the daily Langmar's quest :). I like progressing fast so that's why i'm not going for this title.I have 11 characters and no one from Prophecies because it's taking to long to complete the campaign(25 missions + some secondary quests). I know i can just get quickly to Lion's Arch then go to other campaigns but there are still 7 missions to pass first.As for WoC NM, i had difficulties(sorry for spelling) with my first character because i didn't had any heroes(my first bought campaign was Factions,then EOTN,Prophecies,Nightfall). I've managed to pass even the Monster Afflicted Warrior from Pongmey Valley but i got stuck on Rescue at Minister Cho's Estate mission(of course,in NM henchmens are level 10 lol).So i've bought EOTN and managed to pass this mission with a monk,a ritualist and a was hard because i didn't had good builds like Spirit Way or Discord Way as today. For me WoC HM it's really really hard. Oh yeah...canthan characters look way better :)))...i didn't knew that someone will read this.But thank you for reading my GW route. :) 10:28, 11 November 2015 (UTC)

Hello Neighbor![edit]

Sure nice to see other players active on the wiki, stop by and say hello. --Wendy Black 12:59, 12 November 2015 (UTC)


Nice to see you too Wendy Black.Glad to see other players on gw wiki :) .