User talk:De Fender Strat

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So to start off, I just want to say that I was extremely disappointed that when the Paragon came out, the spear was not a melee weapon. I bothers me that many MMORPGs do not make use of a spear as a melee weapon, and when it finally became availble in GW, it still ended up disappointing me. It just seems to me that every single type of weapon in the world except the spear (as a melee weapon) is added; what makes it so different that it has to be left out? That being said, I would like to suggest the spear as a melee weapon. Maybe something in the fighting style of the Spartans (in the movie "300"). I saw the artwork on the "Weapons" and it had a spear but it seems to be excluded...again. Maybe it is just being considered for the future or the idea is being thrown out altogether, but I would really like to see a melee-combat-spear in GW2. I don't see why it has to be left out.