User talk:Dead Rebel

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I made this topic for BitFarm, but I thought it might be a waste just leaving it there. I'll share it here, maybe I get some people interested in Guild Wars.

Ok, I play Guild Wars alot, like 700+hours in 4 months alot. I've learnt alot about the game. I haven't played WoW, but I'd give it a try if I had the chance, but I'm not paying that much cash for anything that doesn't exist.

Here are a few things you need to know about Guild Wars:

1) Everyone who plays it finds some other aspect of the game more interesting than others. For some it's the PvP, like GvG, AB, Hero Battles and HA.

For others it's the PvE, elite areas like DoA, UW, FoW, Missions, HM Missions.

For people like me, it's filling the Hall of Monuments which means, getting maxed titles, collecting various armor sets, collecting the Destroyer Weapons, pimping heroes out and even collecting minipets. All the Hall of Monuments stuff you collect will unlock stuff in GW2 apparently.

Then there is the rarer breed of people that play to chat, help out and build builds for skill bars.

So you see there is PLENTY to do in GW.

2) If you want to learn more about the it alot. The more you play, the better you get, simple. To be comepletely honest, the game only really opens up once you've beaten a campaign and moreso when you've beaten them all. Then you've unlocked HM and done the groundwork for titles, building your character and know what each aspect of the game requires, from Farming to Running to Elite Dungeons.

3) Join a big guild. Trust me. The bigger the guild the better chance you have of forming parties whenever you want to do the things you want. Alot of the game is too difficult to accomplish alone, you need well formed parties with a lot of thought put into who does what and when. Also insist on Vent or TS2, you need some form of vocal communication to have that edge over the game.

I'm in LaZy. to apply. You need to be over 18, have a mic and Vent and that it! There is a 2 week inactivity kick tho. The guild has 1400 people and trust me when I say, I'm never looking for long to form a party for whatever I want to do because there is a greater chance of finding others online that want to do the same.

4) Have fun. Thats what it's all about. Whatever you find fun about the game, go for it. You never pay for anything other than the initial purchase of the game AND there is none of that "if you pay more you get super duper weapons bs" either. The ANet team also has fantastic tech support and if a bug is found and the community revolts, they jump on it immediately rather than say, "it's a free game, we'll deal with it when we want." They also throw events for Easter, Halloween, Xmas and other various festivals in game.

My IGN is Agni Ra, El Ex Nihilio or Avatar of Orr. Add me to your friends list, maybe I can show you in game the fun of Guild Wars.

Glossery of Terms:

PvP - Player versus Player: Most games support this and we all know what it is.

GvG - Guild versus Guild: 8 player on each side representing their guild battle it out in the guild halls for point in an international league.

AB - Alliance Battle: Guild Wars is devided up between two factions, Luxons and Kurzicks. Basically AB is when three random teams of four battle from one faction against a random team of four from the opposing faction.

Hero Battle: Use you customizable henchmen or heroes against an opposing team of Heroes. This is also part of a international ongoing ranked league.

HA - Heroes Ascent: Has nothing to do with Heroes. It's when a team of 8 fight against another team of 8 through exceeding levels arenas of skill. This part of the game is EXTREMELY competitive and the most valuable items in the game a found in the chest awarded to the team that makes it to the final arena and wins. Few EVER even SEE the Hall of Heroes, let alone win it.

DoA - Domain of Anguish: An area of the game so hard, most players ignore it while others farm it for rare loot.

UW - underworld: Same as DoA except more difficult and insanely profitable.

FoW - Fissure of Woe: This elite area is the only way to get the most expensive armor in the game, Obsidian Armor and provides people with the prestige of owning it because it's so bloody hard to get.

HM - Hard Mode: Unlocked after beating a campaign. All new characters will have HM unlocked once they reach lvl20 and therefore unlocking HM more than once is not necessary. Dead Rebel 03:09, 9 April 2008 (UTC)