User talk:John Stumme/Random Thoughts box

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the limitations of the live team.[edit]

even with the limitations with the live team, you still seem to be able to deliver lots of exciting new content i mean we got 7 hero party's a new hero and maybe more new heroes down the road. A completion of wik, and hotn, new and better rewards for pvp along with fixing the issue of not enough people on one side of jq,fa, and ab. we also got new mercenary heroes and a travel outpost. fixed Razah added a gvg emote made it so we can use past earned emotes, reworked dervs. That's a might long list and i am sure i am forgetting something... but thank you and the live team for all the love and effort you guys are still putting into guildwars1.-User Zesbeer sig.png Zesbeer 20:44, 26 June 2011 (UTC)

what theater are you doing ur panle in?[edit]

what time and what theater?????-User Zesbeer sig.png Zesbeer 21:35, 9 August 2011 (UTC)

for those wondering heres the info:
Friday, August 26, 2011 2:30 p.m.-3:15 p.m.
The Guild Wars Live Game: From Inception to Live Update
Join live team Lead Designer John Stumme, Designers Robert Gee and Andrew Patrick, Programmer Joe Kimmes, and QA Team members Zack Nickerson and John Forman for detailed insights into the content design and creation process of the Guild Wars live game. They'll talk about how each member of the Guild Wars live team contributes to a game update like the new Winds of Change update, and provide hints of things to come!
Who will be there:
John Stumme, Live Team Lead Designer
Robert Gee, Designer
Andrew Patrick, Designer
Joe Kimmes, Programmer
Zack Nickerson, QA Staff
John Forman, QA Staff
in room 2B at PAX prime 2011
you guys can thank me latter.-User Zesbeer sig.png Zesbeer 23:22, 10 August 2011 (UTC)


I have ANet's blog in my RSS feed. It was nice to see a post talking about GW for a change, when most are just for GW2. MithUser MithranArkanere Star.pngTalk 00:38, 11 February 2012 (UTC)

I enjoy the blog posts and site used for lore and announcements. My issue for the lore part is that there seems to be a tendency to not include such lore in the game - possibly under the unconscious idea that "it's out there so people can read it if they want." Other than that, I have absolutely no issue with blog posts for GW (especially since, as Mith said, they mostly talk about GW2). Konig/talk 01:10, 11 February 2012 (UTC)
Agreed. I love seeing this stuff on the blog. --MushaUser Musha Sigc.png 03:11, 11 February 2012 (UTC)
forth-ed, i hope we get a blog post for whats planed next now that woc is out. i hope paras and elona or maybe finding out what happened to Evennia-User Zesbeer sig.png Zesbeer 03:23, 11 February 2012 (UTC)

1 month out from GW2 release[edit]

"It's so weird to think we're almost one month out from GW2's release. o__o; " <-- couldn't have said better. "Weird" is exactly how I feel right now after this weekend (and another 40 straight hours of playing it). 5 years of waiting does that I guess. I was actually prepared for it to be in Beta a few more months but after this weekend I gotta say it's plenty enough polished (and lag-free) for release which feels even weirder to say about ANY game going to release these days. --ilrUser ilr deprav.png 22:47, 23 July 2012 (UTC)

Polished it may be but i still "experienced" one major flaw in it's play. You don't level up fast enough to keep up with the requirement of the story and the further it goes the further your level will be behind it. Due to that you are forced to halt your progress and level up first, wich i see as grinding and no fun at all. It also prevents the story from moving on smoothly. No matter how fast you may gain experience and in wich way it still remains grinding to gain experience to continue. I didn't detect anything to compensate the lack of level either and even if it did will still be behind on the traits. Anyways how short it may be before the deadline it is something that needs to be fixed, people don't want a game that has a story that can not be played smoothly and requires grinding for it's progress. And to say it again, it's from my own personal experience. Da Mystic Reaper 00:11, 24 July 2012 (UTC)
Exploring & doing the DE's AROUND the areas that your personal story takes you to, is also part of the "Story". In effect, you were basically going through the Prophecies storyline and skipping several missions & outposts in a row... IE: You did Frontier-Wall and Fort-Ranik, and then skipped all the content in Sardelac & Serenity plus all the stuff around Frontier-Gate and then you magically skipped all the tedious parts that required patience in Surmia that really set the tone (like escorting Rurik & the captives & the Bonus) and just went straight to opening the gateway to Nolani. And then from Nolani you just got a run north past Yak's bend and somehow ended up at the Frost-Gate facing level 12 stone summit and guess what.... you're a level 9 still, and you don't have any new skills to counter their ridiculous Ench-strips & hexway. You can't blame the game for that. --ilrUser ilr deprav.png 02:39, 24 July 2012 (UTC)
Well i compare it more to the way post Proph story is set up: following the primary story line to reach the missions, and between them how many and how oftten do you think people are doing the secondary quests? In my experience unless the reward is good or they need it they are almost always ignored. Those events you have to do in between the story to level up i see as no different than the secondary quests of GW1. The only difference that i see is that you don't have to pick them up and can join in anytime you like. Iv'e also noticed no difference or change in the world or story when they are completed or ignored.
Something i also noticed that is missing is the /dance emote. What happened to one of everybody's most favorite emote? Da Mystic Reaper 23:15, 24 July 2012 (UTC)
I wouldn't say almost always ignore secondary quests, but many are indeed skipped. Especially in Prophecies I bet (at least after the release of Factions). I would also agree I dislike the larger level skips in the personal story, as I'd really like each chapter to flow together - even if it meant having to gain 5 levels to start the next chapter. As such, I'll likely only start each chapter at level x8 (where x is the chapter that I'm on - and by chapter I mean each storyline segment, e.g., the human missing parents storyline). That way by the time I'm at teh end of the chapter I should have leveled to the next 10's place - and I'll just enjoy DE and hearts between.
I just don't like the breaks in telling the same story, as I might forget plot points. Konig/talk 23:46, 24 July 2012 (UTC)

yeah I can see that, the rewards are kind of piece-meal right now so it's hard to judge until the real economy kicks in. But the comparison above isn't just an Observation from 120+ hours of beta time, it's also what one of the Devs said in those Blogs back when they first talked about how you would be traveling from each Personal Story instance to another ... they strongly implied that doing content along the way was going to be part of the backstory/progression. --ilrUser ilr deprav.png 03:29, 25 July 2012 (UTC)

Tyrian Rap Battles of the Century[edit]

I hope to see this in game... it's hilarious. What one's next? Konig/talk 05:44, 9 August 2012 (UTC)

Totally awesome. I vote Rurik... and when can we see the next one? xD -- User Elveh sig.png Elv 15:01, 9 August 2012 (UTC)
I don't know who won, but I'm sure the audience lost! Heh-heh-heh-heh! MithUser MithranArkanere Star.png Talk 23:22, 14 August 2012 (UTC)