User talk:STALWART

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My Chloe speaks as a very loud reason as to why I won't be killing myself, ever. Thanks, though. -- Armond WarbladeUser Armond sig image.png 02:27, 18 September 2008 (UTC)

Correcting misconceptions[edit]

Hi, while during an erection the male private organ engorges due to blood intake, it is not significant enough to draw so much blood; much less draw blood from somewhere so far as the brain, although signals do reach the brain easily, but it's a different mechanic altogether. (What a neat thing biology is!).

If you wish to clarify this, feel free to measure the distance between the said private organ and the brain, or to consult your primary care neurologist, then follow up with a check to your general practitioner if you feel your mental stabilty is compromised by the "suctioning of blood away from the brain to the male private organ". This probably means you have some form of std, or simply delusional, which a neurologist and your friendly physician should cover all aspects of whatever maladies you have. 14:57, 26 April 2009 (UTC)