ArenaNet:Guild Wars 2 suggestions/Allow Guild Renaming

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Guild Wars 2 Suggestions

Allow Guild Renaming

Many people make guilds which for various reasons (e.g. merging with another guild, deciding they don't want to lead a guild after all, etc.) they don't need later. So they try to sell the guild. But the main thing people want in a guild is its name (the rest can be bought in game). If guilds could be renamed by their leader then those investments in guild NPCs would be better protected. Guilds could be sold more easily, fewer people would lose money on guilds, and fewer new guilds would be made. Renaming of guilds would be better if guild territory could also be changed or if the concept of territories (as in GW1) was scrapped altogether so that all guilds were either global or GW2 continent based.

Why this is a good idea
  •   It would allow spelling errors to be corrected.
  •   It would mean guilds could be recycled rather than new ones being made.
  •   It would encourage guild mergers, as unneeded 'full hall' guilds could be sold more easily.
  •   It would save server resources.
  •   It could be a way for ANet to raise real money, if guild renames were available from the online shop.
Why it may not work out
  •   A restriction on renaming a guild while it is involved in a Xunlai contest may be necessary.
  •   Stopping the leakage of in-game gold through the scrapping of guilds could affect the economy. In this case an in-game fee could be charged for renames by the guild registrar npcs.
  •   A guild should b something meaningful, think of a good name b4 u have 2 change it -.-