ArenaNet:Guild Wars 2 suggestions/Businesses + Jobs

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Guild Wars 2 Suggestions

Jobs (Discussion)

In Guild Wars 2, I would be pleased to see Businesses and Jobs enter the game. Why you may ask. Well this would make the game have more depth and would allow people to do something different in some of their spare time on the game. It would also bring in another sense of achievement when an individual successfully gains money through his/her job.

If jobs were introduced I think it would be best to have it split into two categories:

  • Standard Jobs. These would consist of jobs such as Blacksmiths and Tailors
  • Professional Jobs. These would consist of jobs which tie in with your profession. For example a assassin would have a job which involves assassinating people for vairous amount of money where as a ranger could be a pet tamer or a warrior could be payed to help defend a fort. The ideas are endless!

People would then choose one job from the two categories.


Regarding the business side, The standard jobs would tie in with a buisness which they and their guild would run. For example a person in a guild could be a blacksmith. He/she would then do his/her job by getting ores, smelting them, and then crafting them into various amounts of armor. Then the blacksmith would then go to their guild shop which would be in their guild hall. He would put them in the shop and place a price that he would wish to sell them at. He could also put an offer out to buy stuff for a price which he/she would set and he/she would leave that amount of money behind. The whole guild would use this shop. This shop can then be accessed by anyone who enters the guild hall. They then could purchase an item(s) and the money would then be left until the owner of the item which was sold collects it. To get more publicity guilds could place shops in certain towns/outposts. These would be limited to a certain amount varying from place to place depending on the size of the outpost/town/city. The slots could be allocated using a system which is similar to the one currently in GW1 which allocates a town to the guilds which have high amount of faction. The guilds would collect faction and then the guilds with the most amount of faction would get the best, most busy city. The guilds with slightly less then the ones in the best city would be allocated in the second best city and so on until all the outposts/towns/cities are full.

With the people who chose their profession job they get a reward when they complete certain tasks instead of selling their goods in the guild shop. For example a assassin would be told to to kill a certain person by an NPC that is related to their job. Then once the assassin has killed the person he/she goes back to the NPC and collects a certain reward such as gold or a valuable item.

You could add to the idea of having a job by having a job skill. For instance if you were a blacksmith you could have a smithing skill. The more you smith the skill gets higher and you can make more complex and harder items with a higher skill level. I think jobs and businesses would be a great idea and would allow people more to do in GW2 and would add more depth to the game.

Why this is a good idea
  •  It would give something to do in peoples spare time on GW2.
  •  It would give a sense of achievement when helping to run a business and when gaining money from your job.
  •  It would give people more to do in the game and would add more depth to GW2
  •  It worked in Fable, it worked in World of Warcraft, so it sure as hell can work here.
Why it may not work out
  •  The producers would have to keep making quests for profession jobs. (i.e They would keep having to create new tasks for them so it doesn't get boring)
  •  People might seem it as unfair to farmers and guilds which cannot earn enough faction to get out onto the shops in the outposts.
  •  Heros aren't suppose to run business. That's just wrong. Thats what the towns folks are for.