ArenaNet:Guild Wars 2 suggestions/Capturing Guild Halls

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Guild Wars 2 Suggestions


Guilds could find an area that is suitable and claim it as their Guild Hall/Base. Instead of having guilds that are inexperienced with combat but have loads of gold able to buy the best Guild Hall, guilds would now have to show their skills in combat when getting a Guild Hall. Example: An old castle on top of a hill next to a lake is controlled by another guild. Another guild would have to gather their guild members and fight to take it. This helps in the idea of World PvP. To prevent guilds from taking Guild Halls that are already taken but the guild is completely inactive or has nobody stationed at the base to defend it, The guild could purchase NPC defenders such as Guards, Rangers, Casters, maybe even catapult operaters. Possibilty of a special competition between guilds to own the most land in GW2. Problem: "Our guild is too small." or, "Our members are too inexperienced." Guilds that inexperienced but have money, could form a deal with Guilds to buy their land instead of having to fight for it. Of course, not everybody would want to do this. Therefore, there should be an option of going into "Guild War" mode to allow attacks from other guilds.

Why this is a good idea
  •  New PvP opportunities.
  •  Creates the GUILD WARS Idea.
  •  Interesting new gameplay.
  •  New Guild Wars 2 economy possibility.
Why it may not work out
  •   when a guild leader logs in and thinks "hang on wheres my guild hall I got yesterday gone" now that would be annoying after having fought for it for ages. especially if it looked ace.
I like this idea but some guilds would buy every hall there is(in the case that u can only have 1 at a time they would buy the best) or a guild which are experts in battle could also conquer the finest castles but the average guilds would have lame castles which totally suck
so maybe the guilds could be categorized so the awesome good guilds can't take castles from lame-o guilds but the lame-o's could TRY of taking castles from good guilds