ArenaNet:Guild Wars 2 suggestions/matter mage

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Guild Wars 2 Suggestions

mattermancer, dimensionist, or whatever (Discussion)

I don't know what to call them yet, so I shall just call them "dims"(short for dimensionist). dims can use shaping (an attribute) to fight as an example...

Sphere Trap 10 en|2 cast|30 re Hex spell - 15...18...22 sec.

Target foe is trapped in a blue sphere and moves 50% faster, but cannot cast spells that inflict immediate damage (atrb.shaping)

Also they can use their primary "dimensionism" for each rank in dimensionism skills that effect "everything in earshot" increase by 3% and your "aggro bubble" becomes 3% smaller

Shuffle 15en|1 cast|5 re Spell.

Every creature and player within earshot changes places with another random creature or player (atrb.dimensionism)

Then I have alchemy and matter-bending.(no skills at the moment) They may be able to summon up stone/wood minis like a necro, or they can even use golems, why not?

Why this is a good idea
  •  fun little twist on common gw
  •  can b a nice combination between caster types.
Why it may not work out
  •  somebody already posted alchemist
  •  may be a bit too twisted for gw