ArenaNet talk:Skill feedback/Elementalist/Lightning Strike

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Info-Logo.png Note: As of September 2, 2009 this page is no longer active. If you have suggestions for Guild Wars skills please go to Feedback:Main to learn how to submit suggestions that ArenaNet can use.

Euheum,This is the only "spammeble" skill that isnt only used by noobs.flare etc is.Lilondra 16:11, 6 April 2008 (UTC)

It's fine imo. Air magic has several low-energy low-recharge spells, and flare is bad. Tain 16:14, 6 April 2008 (UTC)

they changed that other fast recharge air magic projectile so now is this the only one left and for not being a projectile like the others its pretty guud this way --Blood Anthem User Blood Anthem Sig.jpg 16:17, 6 April 2008 (UTC)
This is good for being a non-projectile. Lightning Javelin has a 2s recharge, but interrupts attacking. Shock Arrow has a much longer recharge now, but the energy gain is hot. Personally I'd take Shock Arrow - we don't need flare-spam for air. Tain 16:20, 6 April 2008 (UTC)
i dont see the problem of killing the recharge if the damage isnt changed, so why complain? fear it might become OP? 10:59, 7 April 2008 (UTC)

Because it is fine as it is it doesnt need a change besides isnt it better to have a higher damage output ? I mean in those 5 seconds you will be casting other spells more powerfull then flare and you will be less vunerable to skills like diversion (if we even wanna divert flare).Lilondra 17:28, 8 April 2008 (UTC)

isnt what youre implying that getting rid of the recharge might induce more intelligent play since then you have to more closely decide "do i want to hit him with a Lorb or another Lstrike", or it might provoke more tarded play and - har har more lstrike! 21:44, 9 April 2008 (UTC)

Projectile vs not Projectile makes a huge difference in the skill. Especially when it's got a huge 25% Armor Penetration. It means it can hit in Frenzy or Healsigging warriors much easier (flight time isn't taken into consideration), cannot be dodged (recurve bows are used for a reason). Big damage like that makes it horribly inbalanced. 01:16, 10 April 2008 (UTC)

I think the damage on shock arrow may have been a little lower then the standard x...50 10:07, 10 April 2008 (UTC)
just increase the damage by 20. Makes a decent follow up. -- NUKLEAR User NuclearVII signature 3.jpgIIV 21:51, 26 April 2008 (UTC)'s Suggestion

Discuss. 01:25, 10 April 2008 (UTC)

bleh, just give it a 1 recharge, maybe a little more damage, and itl be fine--User Raph Sig.pngRaph Talky 02:06, 10 April 2008 (UTC)
You obviously didn't read what I just typed up there. 04:42, 12 April 2008 (UTC)
is saying my suggestion is retarded really needed? shouldnt that be the skill balancers job to decide? 23:27, 16 April 2008 (UTC)
i agree with the ip with the blue is indeed the balancers job to determine if a suggestion is retarded, and yes, i read it, its just i thought it was "retarded"--User Raph Sig.pngRaph Talky 21:25, 17 April 2008 (UTC)