Feedback:User/Jackal firebow
This is the personal suggestion homepage for Jackal firebow.
To begin adding a suggestion as user Jackal firebow, enter a name for the suggestion in the box below and press "Create":
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Quick reference links
- Suggestion portal
- Getting started with feedback
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- Feedback section F.A.Q.
- Bug/localization issue reporting
- Help:Creating a game suggestion page
My suggestions
my suggestion is a messenger NPC for the GW Guild halls that work for online guild members that are the only ones on when no one else is on in the guild and it would work in the alliance as well but it would not work outside of the guilds but only with the guild and alliance. the messenger would show messages for the whole guild free but if the person wants to message a specific person it would cost 10 gold to send that message to that one person. so any ally/member within the alliance of the specific guild would be able to leave a message in any of guilds in the alliance but a guest of the guild wouldn't be able to leave a message and the messenger would be the same sex as the guild leader character since the guild leader picked the guild hall