Feedback:User/Ni Di/Henchmen skillbars

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When you talk to a henchman in a guild hall or in Heroes' Ascent, they show you their skillbar.

First part of the suggestion:

Have all the henchmen in the game show their skillbar when talked to.

  • No programming needed.
  • No ressource needed.
  • Very easy to do.
  • Very helpful.

I understand that you have more important things to work on, but this simple change will be welcome. Few people read the wiki, or even the official site for that matter, and assuming they do, you cannot expect everyone to memorize each henchman's skillbar.

Second part of the suggestion:

Perhaps it could be dynamic, preventing the few text bugs that made it into the game (outdated names, HTML typos) and allowing people to have a visual build like when a player "pings" his skillbar.

  • Minor programming needed.
  • Allows easier recognition for many players who are very natural with skill icons.
  • Visible attribute spread.
  • No need to keep track of modifications in skillnames or builds.