Feedback:User/Raine Valen/Skill suggestions/Warrior/Tactics
Skill suggestions/Warrior/Tactics![]() | |
User | Raine Valen |
Categories | Skill feedback → Warrior → Tactics Player vs. Player |
"Fear Me!"[edit]
4 4
Shout. (1...12...15 second[s].) You have +5...25...30% chance of a critical hit with melee attacks against stationary foes. Initial effect: nearby foes lose 1...3...4 Energy.
- See Strength.
This is one change geared toward redrawing the lines between Strength and Tactics.
"Fear Me!" is a sort of raw pressure skill, what with its energy drain and damage boost, so it's been moved to Strength, where I feel that warrior's raw pressure skills belong. is for Raine, etc. 21:38, 2 July 2010 (UTC)
"None Shall Pass!"[edit]
5 45
Shout. Knocks down all nearby moving foes. Recharges 1...7...8 second[s] faster for each affected foe (maximum 25 seconds).
5 25
Shout. Knocks down all nearby moving foes. Recharges 1...4...5 second[s] faster for each affected foe (maximum 15 seconds).
This skill, while definitely a pressure-increasing skill, isn't as straightforward as something like Soldier's Strike, so I felt fine with keeping this in Tactics. In fact, I would've been rather uncomfortable with putting movement control like this in Strength; I believe that it would have been too strong when paired with Strength's damage output.
What I did do, though, was give this skill a significant number tweak. It now recharges in 25, 20, or 15 seconds at high spec, which I feel is more reasonable than 45, 37, 29, 21, or 20 seconds, especially given that finding a cluster of five moving foes is far from easy.
The skill should have similar play overall, but with the numbers adjustments, it should feel like a non-elite version of Coward, with a real recharge and much shorter range.
Possible issues I see are this being chained on multiple warriors, but I don't think that that would be especially problematic. is for Raine, etc. 21:38, 2 July 2010 (UTC)
5 20
Shout. (5...10...11 seconds.) Party members in earshot move 33% faster. No effect unless there are dead allies within earshot.
5 20
Shout. (5...10...11 seconds.) Allies in earshot below 50% Health move 33% faster. Ends for an ally if that ally hits with an attack. Lose all Adrenaline.
When allies are dead, it's generally a sign that a fallback was initiated too late. Hence, a skill that assists falling back, but requires a dead ally, can never be used when it's needed, but is always limited to after-the-fact.
This change keeps the overall theme of the skill the same, while eliminating that issue: allies with 50% health should definitely be considering the possibility that they are being pressured too hard. is for Raine, etc. 21:38, 2 July 2010 (UTC)
"Shields Up!"[edit]
5 30
Shout. (5...10...11 seconds.) Party members in earshot have +60 armor against projectile attacks.
4 4
Shout. (1...4...5 seconds.) Allies in earshot have a 50% chance to block projectile attacks while wielding a shield. No effect while attacking or using skills.
The goal here was to give teams the option to kill a lot of the ranged-damage spikes that have become popular in recent times. Back when warriors were big damage, period, people considered the game a lot more fun and balanced.
I don't expect every team to run this, but, like the changes to life stealing wiped out blood spikes, this skill would keep ranged spikes in check by giving teams an easy option to counter them if they dominated the meta at any point. is for Raine, etc. 21:38, 2 July 2010 (UTC)
"Watch Yourself!" (PvP)[edit]
4 4
Shout. (10 seconds.) Party members in earshot have +5...21...25 armor. Ends after 1...3...3 incoming attack[s].
4 4
Shout. (2 seconds.) Target ally and nearby allies have +5...21...25 armor. Ends after 10 incoming attacks.
This skill was nerfed for its ability to kill both spike and pressure damage with very, very little effort, and it was a nerf that it deserved. However, because of the nature of the nerf, this skill also became useless for doing what it was intended to do.
Instead of being a passive pressure-reducing skill, I've made it into an active spike-reducing skill. It's not the best at what it does, or even close, but I feel that that's a fair power level, given that it's in a warrior attribute line. is for Raine, etc. 21:38, 2 July 2010 (UTC)
Balanced Stance[edit]
5 30
Stance. (8...18...20 seconds.) You cannot be knocked-down and do not take extra damage from critical hits.
4 12
Stance. (8...18...20 seconds.) You cannot be knocked down. Prevention cost: lose 5...3...3 Energy or this stance ends.
For warriors and assassins, knockdowns are bread and butter. They're completely necessary in order to be successful.
Because of that, I found this skill to be ridiculously overpowered when playing both warrior and monk: it's way too easy for a skill with an effect as strong as knockdown prevention.
I directly nerfed it for casters. Adrenaline requirement makes this skill harder to build; energy loss for prevention gives this skill a cost relative to its benefits.
Also, I'm not sure why it had critical hit prevention. It doesn't, anymore. is for Raine, etc. 21:38, 2 July 2010 (UTC)
Bonetti's Defense[edit]
8 Stance. (5...10...11 seconds.) You have 75% chance to block. Gain 5 Energy for each melee attack blocked. Ends if you use a skill.
6 Skill. (3...7...8 seconds.) Your melee attacks interrupt attacking foes.
Like Balanced Stance, I found this skill way too strong on casters. In similar fashion, I nerfed it.
It now functions like Wailing Weapon: it's a potent linebacking skill, but not a passive pressure-eating skill.
Issues I see with this skill include its ability to enable things like dedicated linebackers, but that's not something that the meta has had a problem with in the past (though it is damn annoying). is for Raine, etc. 21:38, 2 July 2010 (UTC)
- See Strength.
4 ½
Melee Attack. Interrupts an action. Interrupt effect: deals +5...29...35 damage and causes knockdown if that action was an attack skill. Unblockable. 50% miss chance with tactics 8 or lower.
Firstly, I moved this skill into Tactics. It's no longer a big-damage attack skill, but a general-purpose interrupt; it no longer belonged in Strength.
In addition to being moved, I also added a Tactics requirement because I don't want to see this become a rapid spike-finishing skill for 14/13 weapon/strength warriors like Distracting Strike was.
Finally, to keep the spirit of the original, this skill now knocks down foes using attack skills.
I don't foresee any issues with this change.
Deadly Riposte[edit]
5 10
Skill. (8 seconds). You block the next melee attack and your attacker takes 15...75...90 damage. Inflicts Bleeding condition. (3...21...25 seconds). No effect unless you have a sword equipped.
- See Swordsmanship.
I really don't even know why it's in Tactics.
Disciplined Stance[edit]
5 15
Stance. (1...3...4 second[s].) You have 75% chance to block and +10 armor. Ends if you use an adrenal skill.
4 Stance. (3...10...12 seconds.) You move and attack 10% faster and an additional 5% faster (maximum 25%) for each adrenal skill you have equipped. You do not gain adrenaline from your attacks.
While Disciplined Stance's previous functionality wasn't anything that I had a problem with, it wasn't anything that I found at all useful, either: why would any warrior ever take it? As such, I reworked it.
One of the problems with having an IAS in Tactics was its ability to be abused by non-warriors. To address this, I designed the skill such that the skill gave a high reward and had a big drawback for characters with lots of adrenal skills, but gave a small payoff with no drawback to characters without adrenal skills.
Because of its drawback, this skill can't be kept up perpetually without other ways to gain adrenaline. Further, for adrenaline-based characters, its drawback would also affect other skills on this bar.
All-in-all, I believe that this skill would be remarkably versatile, while remaining balanced.
- See Strength.
5 8
Elite Skill. (1 second.) End effect: recharges your attack skills; you gain 1...2...2 Adrenaline and 2...6...7 Energy for each skill recharged in this way. Disables your attack skills (1 second). No effect unless there is a foe in earshot.
Straight-up buff.
Gladiator's Defense[edit]
5 30
Elite Stance. (5...10...11 seconds.) You have 75% chance to block. Your attacker takes 5...29...35 damage whenever you block a melee attack this way.
2 3
Elite Skill. (2 seconds.) You block attacks against you. Block effect: your attacker takes 5...53...65 damage and is knocked down if that attack was a melee attack.
This skill was, frankly, useless. Not only was its effect something not desirable, but it had a fairly terrible uptime to boot! As such, I rebuilt this skill from the ground up.
This skill is now a more offensive skill akin to Auspicious Parry, directly punishing attackers. This skill kills linebacking and stops balanced spikes in their tracks, but has little offensive value.
I don't see this skill becoming problematic, simply because its effect is not particularly desirable. Warriors are for offense, so this skill has a huge opportunity cost. is for Raine, etc. 21:38, 2 July 2010 (UTC)
4 Skill. (8 seconds). You block the next melee attack and your attacker takes 20...68...80 damage. No effect unless you have a sword equipped.
- See Swordsmanship.
As with Deadly Riposte.
- See Strength.
4 Stance. (3...25...30 seconds.) You move 25% faster.
I know, I know. You're wondering why I moved this staple skill from Strength to Tactics. It was fine before, wasn't it?
Well, I also made a few thematic changes to Strength: its skills are characterized by being quick and potent (take a look at Sprint).
If you'll recall, one of the reasons that Primal Rage was nerfed was its ability to quickly move warriors across a map. Rush, while not nearly as strong in that niche, served a similar function: it let warriors go far, fast, because of its huge duration.
Now, I don't have a problem with warriors going far, fast. I do have a problem with warriors being able to do that without sacrificing offensive ability, and leaving Rush in Strength made that very possible.
With the move to Tactics, I also made a couple of very minor changes: I decreased the unspecced duration to 3 seconds, because it was extremely easy for assassins and dervishes to maintain with no spec, even in Strength. At the other end of the spectrum, I increased the payoff per attribute point; this is so that warriors can still get Rushes with similar durations while still maintaining respectable (though not maxed) specs in Strength.
Overall, I think that this change is something that players will have to adjust to, but I believe that, in the end, it would be a good nerf for 12/12 warriors. is for Raine, etc. 21:38, 2 July 2010 (UTC)
Shield Bash[edit]
- See Strength.
5 12
Skill. (1...3...3 seconds.) You block the next attack skill. Causes knock-down and +5...13...15 second recharge if it was a melee skill. No effect unless you are wielding a shield.
Shield Stance[edit]
5 15
Stance. (1...5...6 second[s].) You have 75% chance to block. Damage is reduced by 2 for each rank of Strength (maximum 15 damage reduction). No effect unless you have a shield equipped.
1 2
Stance. (1...3...3 second[s].) You move 33% faster and block attack skills. Ends after blocking one attack skill for each 2 ranks in Strength. No effect unless you have a shield equipped.
5 ¾
Elite Touch Skill. Causes knockdown. Initial effect: end's foes stance and deals 15...63...75 damage if target foe is moving.
- See Strength.
Soldier's Defense[edit]
5 15
Stance. (1...5...6 second[s].) You have 75% chance to block while under the effects of a shout or chant. Block effect: gain 1 adrenaline.
4 4
Stance. (2...4...5 seconds.) You move 3% faster for each rank in Strength (maximum 25% faster). You have a 75% chance block attacks while affected by a shout or chant. Block effect: gain 2 adrenaline.
Soldier's Speed[edit]
5 12
Stance. (3...15...18 seconds.) You move 15% faster and an additional 15% while affected by a chant or shout.
5 4
Stance. (3...10...12 seconds.) You move 3% faster for each rank in Strength (maximum 25% faster) and an additional 15% faster while affected by a chant or shout.
Soldier's Stance (PvP)[edit]
5 8
Elite Stance. (4...9...10 seconds.) You attack 33% faster while under the effects of a shout or chant.
5 8
Elite Stance. (4...10...12 seconds.) You attack 3% faster for each rank in Strength (maximum 33% faster). While under the effects of a shout or chant, you move 25% faster.
Soldier's Strike[edit]
5 4
Melee Attack. Deals +10...34...40 damage. Unblockable if you are under the effects of a chant or shout.
- See Strength.
Steady Stance[edit]
5 6
Elite Stance. (10 seconds.) The next time you would be knocked-down, you gain 1...3...3 adrenaline and 1...6...7 Energy instead.
6 1
Elite Stance. (10 seconds.) You move 25% faster. The next time you would be knocked-down, you gain 1...3...3 adrenaline and 1...6...7 Energy instead and this stance ends.
Thrill of Victory[edit]
5 8
Melee Attack. Deals +20...36...40 damage. If you have more Health than your target, you gain 1...2...2 adrenaline.
- See Strength.
Warrior's Cunning[edit]
- See Strength.
12 8
Skill. (3...10...12 seconds.) Gain 1...3...3 Adrenaline. Your melee attacks are unblockable. End effect: lose all adrenaline. Failure with Strength 8 or below.
Wary Stance[edit]
10 10
Stance. (1...5...6 second[s]). You block attack skills. Gain adrenaline and 5 Energy for each block. Ends if you use a skill.
5 Stance. (3...7...8 seconds). You block attack skills. Lose 4...2...2 Energy for each block.