Feedback talk:User/Aeranima/Parachuting/Engineer
Feedback on my suggestion below:
- I just want a hotkey for hang-gliders... Kormon Balser 04:16, 13 November 2011 (UTC)
- I like this idea, but your suggestion is aganst the ArenaNet's idea of not flying. Here's why(example): some mountain realy high mountain - you just parashute-jump from it and can travel quite alot with it in air - not difect flying.(2 close peaks of abys, the one is higher - from the higher one to the lower one...)
- Still that can be changed to be almost the same, but still not violate the "no flying" idea: to be some kind of grounding ability that just makes you jump from higher without taking much damage - you jump normaly, begin to fall and just before the ground you activate the grounding ability. If its too high(for example to jump from Divinity's Reach walls or higher) you'll die with or without it, but if its little distance(like you'll take minimal damage or no damage with the ability.
- Here is some examples - 20 sec cooldown on each ability, it might eaven be automatic for all professions:
- Elementalist: make water bubble at the gound, splashing in it.
- Engineer: jumpshot upwards just before he hits the gound
- Necromancer: Corrupt the gound underneath himself making it soft to land on(sink and go back up). Or grow wings(better undead ones tho - 1-2secs)
- Warrior: he just stomps the gound. I.e. he's used with it and it will not hurt him for low distance jumps.
- Thief: open his cloak to lower some of the speed then roll on the gound(Freerun style).
- Ranger: summon some birds to help him(1-2 secs parashute like, before gounding), but defenetly not grow wings...
- Guardian: your original guardian or asura suggestion(1-2 secs also) Scourge 213 08:11, 13 November 2011 (UTC)
I definately think we're on to something here. Because I just want to be able to climb to high areas and not die when I trip and fall like he did in the short movie. I didn't like the engineer's solution of descending though. I think the engineer should be the one with a real parachute. Thanks for the comments! :) I'll work on the post a little more and credit the user who came with the improving idea I liked. Aeranima 09:40, 13 November 2011 (UTC)
- Thank you for including my ideas here but i have few marks for that: First since you got the ground based abilityes you defenetly should say for the parachute ones to last not more than few secs(including the Charr's rocket - will that be a giant rocket mounted on theyr backs? damn that sounds cool), becouse otherwise you are making big garp between them and making them sily looking. And second... i suggested the jumpshot as engineer's solution becouse human dont have any special - theyr only posible solution is the normal parachute, still its your suggestion so its your call what it will be. But hey you dont like jumpshot then why not a chopper pack?(eaven that it will look quite ridiculus on charr, not like the angel wings woudnt... :D )
- As for the races. I see you whant them all to be unique, then why not the norm have theyr arms shapeshifted as raven wings(only the arms). The norm are the only shapesifters playable afterall - lets make them more dinamic. :) Scourge 213 20:38, 13 November 2011 (UTC)
Yeah. None of my ideas are intended to last more than 5 seconds. It's just a descending idea of what might suit for Guild Wars 2. I really think ArenaNet should consider creating a descending feature based on Species and/or Profession since all descending styles based on the profession might not suit the species. That's why I have included unique species-based styles. But in the end, ArenaNet will make the call of including these descending styles. I'm just suggesting though I will work on the suggestion more to suit their needs. Aeranima 08:56, 14 November 2011 (UTC)
- Ah, great! I realy like how it looks now, nothing too much, nothing too less and keeps the general "no flying" idea. Still the old charr,asura suggestions were great, they suit the races perfectly(eaven if they dont, they still are something to fill the missing suggestion), so bring them back - they are your ideas after all. :) I hope ArenaNet consider this idea and implement it in some way, eaven if its not exactly 100% it will still help alot :)Scourge 213 17:47, 14 November 2011 (UTC)
I will create a "other suggestions" topic for the lost ones including improving ideas. :) Thanks for the support of this suggestion. Aeranima 18:45, 14 November 2011 (UTC)
- I really like the idea of fall gliding, it adds to the free exploration feeling, neither intrude in the flying domain (per se) nor interfere with most (if any) jumping/platforming puzzles. When arriving in a secluded location, or simply up a high tower, you may, instead of teleporting back, choose to slowly glide back down the Z-axis, and gets your eyes full of the beauty of the world. Poetic and enchanting thoughts. :)
- It could start with a believable (lore-wise) generic utility skill : the old-skull parachute (meaning low manoeuvrability), obtained after a short series of quest working for an innovative mind residing in Lion's Arch. If you ask me, it is quite a risky and adventureous business to try your luck and become a guinea pig for B.A.S.E. jumping experiments. No sky diving per se, since there is no flying apparel to send you there, catapult maybe? And now, we have re-invented fast-travel! At least for those who find teleporters risky. o.O
- Then maybe the system could be expanded with all the ideas brought in the suggestion, originating from "competitors" attempts for this potentially brewing market.
- As for the mechanics, I didn't quite understand your skill proposal. But along the "Till now, everything is fine!" meme, I would envision this controlled-fall skill as channeled (lets say three seconds) but only when in... mid-air (not touching the ground, and obviously not underwater). Quite long enough to enjoy/endure a free fall... it may require some minor adjustments (probably end as a one-second and a half activation skill), but as long as we have a pack of bookah around, it shouldn't pose any testing problem. Completed with quite the long recharge : 90s to repack a parachute would be world-class record lol (but we're in a game with fast turret assembly ^^).
- The skill should obviously be a form (replacing your skills) that you could exit (I could make a funny comment about droping) anytime if you fancy so... should I state it is certainly not recommended at high altitudes? bah, nobody read the manual anyway. You could also decide to accelerate your dive... by making holes in the parachute? Again, not the brightest idea, but it achieves its purpose. Anyway, our product is the safest around, we guarantee a 100,1% satisfaction of returning customers.
- Allegedly your first, and hopefully not your last, aerial skill! --
Leonim [talk·contribs] 16:51, 12 April 2012 (UTC)
Something Else To Add[edit]
My wife and I just read this and thought it was a great idea. My wife, having a Necromancer, thought having undead rising from the ground catch you, would be a cool animation. Me, an Elementalist, thought the bubble idea was cool but maybe it could change based off the element you are currently attuned to. Whitesyntax 02:44, 1 July 2012 (UTC)