Feedback talk:User/Chibot2000/"Nicknames" for friends list

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Having more features for the friends list was already something often claimed for GW1, and the possibility for alternate names, or notes connected with the list of in-game names is one of them i'd also like to see for GW2. —ZerphatalkThe Improver 13:49, 24 February 2010 (UTC)

I second this idea. I find that several of my friends that I lose contact with for a while I end up forgetting exactly who they are (resulting in more than one lengthy conversation that ended up awkward...). This would allow me to name them based on how I interacted with them or if I know them in RL.--Neithan DiniemUser Talk:Neithan Diniem 02:08, 21 May 2010 (UTC)
Makes remembering who you ran somewhere, Traded with, or are just friends with a lot eaiser. I tend to forget on why I added them in the first place. I deffinatly think this should be added Ocren 05:16, 13 June 2010 (UTC)
I like this suggestion. I don't have a large friend's list, but there are some that I ran with years ago that I just never bothered to ask, why are we friends. Perhaps we could create personalized categories to sort the friends. It has been said that many in-game events (ie marketplace) can be accessed through a browser. Perhaps managing a friend's list could also be managed here. Venom20 [User_talk:Venom20] 13:07, 25 July 2010 (UTC)
I really like this idea too. Being able to search the friend list for the person's rl name and finding their character name would be great too. Ilovepi 15:22, 27 August 2010 (UTC)ilovepi
This would be really great. I too often wonder why I have certain people in my friend list. Koda User Koda Kumi UT.jpeg Kumi 15:48, 27 August 2010 (UTC)