Feedback talk:User/Kalizar/Costumes Without Buying

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"Why, oh why did you add in such an awesome feature while requiring spending your money for costumes that will most likely only come out once a year?"

Obviously they need money.... Karate User Karate Jesus KJ for sig.png Jesus 03:41, 18 December 2009 (UTC)
Within the first 10 minutes of Martin and Regina's visit, Anet had already made at least $100 from the people who bought costumes in that district. I'm sure they've made plenty more since then. Anet isn't making expansions anymore, their only income is from stuff like this. ~Shard User Shard Sig Icon.png 04:02, 18 December 2009 (UTC)

I know that they need money, yada yada yada. But I think that anet should make around 50 costumes in all per year, and then release two non-profitable costumes for wintersday, one for halloween, and one for canthan new year for free. That way there's still 46 revenue-making, diverse costumes for people to enjoy. If there was a person each day buying one of those, it would still amount to over $300 a day, not including the fact that some people might buy multiple per day, or there might be more than one buyer per costume per day. I don't care about the entire concept being free, but I LOVE the idea of costumes, though as I say, whatever floats Guild Wars 2, floats my boat. And about them making $100 in a single visit.... They convinced a whopping total of 10 PEOPLE to get it out of the many others in the district. Also, heard of how people sold tons of Everlasting Tonics for 100 ectos, but then the market completely dried up and the prices drastically decreased? Kalizar

They do givaways...I got my costume free via the Facebook giveaway.--*Yasmin Parvaneh* User yasmin parvaneh sig.png 20:28, 18 December 2009 (UTC)
Right. 50 costumes per year, and all characters in GW2 will have three armor options thanks to how the Arena Net artists spent all their time making GW1 costumes. Thanks but no thanks. Erasculio 13:12, 19 December 2009 (UTC)

I didn't even put that in my actual suggestion. I'm just saying, if you make a lot of costumes, 4 costumes released per year will not affect that much how much money they make from costumes per year. Kalizar

NCSoft Here[edit]

"LMFAO!" Oh just so you know, I'm not sure it's ArenaNet that is making the decisions on cash-shopping anymore. Arena Net's parent company is NCSoft and, lo and behold, look where you have to go to buy the costumes if you don't have a credit card. Arena Net designed the costumes, and I'm assuming NCSoft forced the decision to place it in the online store.

But yeah, I agree, micro transactions are so much fun aren't they? Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ аІiсә User Aliceandsven 1.png ѕνәи Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 03:37, 12 January 2010 (UTC)