Feedback talk:User/Kormon Balser/Training Room Sim
While you do PvE in the open world with your friends you'll learn the cross combos and all your abilityes how much damage it deals on diferent armor types of mob groups/bosses anyway(70% efficacy atleast and only in highskilled pve). As for PvP there is hotjoin 1v1, 2v2 so its still no use there - it will be better to train in hotjoin. But still i like the idea for dummys(cataclysm crystals) that stays at 1 place - invurnerable(3-4 types dummys with diferent armor types - easy to make) that you can see your maximum damage. As for the rest of the ideas(summoning stuff and customising your fights in the way you like for training)... i love them but they'll take way too much time for Anet to implement just for filling the 30% missing efficacy learning in the high skilled PvE(wich makes it less than 1% usefullness in the whole game) - i dont think the idea will drive in.
Still here is my addition to the suggestion: movable cataclysm crystals(banner type) so if someone whants to stack 4-5 like these at 1 place and taste his aoe abilityes nonstop. Also the enchanted crystal torches to be activate-diactivate(stay until diactivated). And the Training room to grant you EVERYTHING - you go there as lv 5 but you grain all abilityes/traits etc. from your profession to test it how to build in future(you are also leveled up to 80lv and granted atrubutes and items until you leave). And including you grain only there you can use all racials(through spells or items you pick up), so you can understand everything about your class and how it fits with each race.Scourge_213 8:58, 13 November (UTC)
- I thumbs up the idea of the ability to move the practice targets as banners, with one being the equivalent of the Master of Damage. Then you could get the evaluated result similar to the death's breakdown panel one got when defeated in conquest PvP.
- As for my thoughts on the initial suggestion : team-instanced, no reward, open ground (no ceiling but the sky, different heights and underwater pool) and no change in the character mechanics (cooldowns, etc.). But the possibility to enter as your current self (PvE skills available, current level and gear) or as your PvP alternate (with the associated mechanisms : separate build, hot-swappable trait lines, maxed level, maxed equipment).
- No specific enemy spawn, only straw-shaped dummies with definable or fixed parameters : level, defense (armor, toughness), vitality, timed condition removal (once every <duration> seconds) or immunity.
- An NPC providing carry-and-drop training crystals which apply either a specific condition or boon on nearby foes (called : Crystal of <Effect>).
- Another providing staple weapons (fixed attack strength, no value) and since weapon skill unlocking is tied to xp gain, no concern here.
- And a last one to provide field generators which create a combo field area on the ground around them (called : <Type> field generator).
- If someone wants to try his/her might against some foes' behaviors, there is a Charr training arena not far from the Black Citadel as a constant dynamic event. But I don't think a training sim should be in order for that purpose, as it cuts on the core gameplay (exploration, discovery, adaptation... and so on). --
Leonim [talk·contribs] 16:21, 12 April 2012 (UTC)
- If someone wants to try his/her might against some foes' behaviors, there is a Charr training arena not far from the Black Citadel as a constant dynamic event. But I don't think a training sim should be in order for that purpose, as it cuts on the core gameplay (exploration, discovery, adaptation... and so on). --