Feedback talk:User/Raine Valen/Skill suggestions/Necromancer/Death Magic

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"Exploits a fresh corpse or you sacrifice 50% Health."
Oh....I believe I just soiled myself.... Karate User Karate Jesus KJ for sig.png Jesus 01:16, 1 September 2010 (UTC)

I'd like to make MMing viable (though, obviously, painful) in more scenarios than "LOL PVE EXPLOSIONS EVERYWHERE!!!". I think that 50% sac is an appropriate cost for creating a minion or two. — Raine Valen User Raine R.gif 1:22, 1 Sep 2010 (UTC)
Half your current health would be slightly less dangerous.--User Oneshot O.JPGne shot.1:25, 1 Sep 2010 (UTC)
^ this. I love the idea, but heroes would just kill themselves over and over again. Karate User Karate Jesus KJ for sig.png Jesus 01:36, 1 September 2010 (UTC)
I really couldn't care less if heroes are bad MMs. Really. I couldn't. — Raine Valen User Raine R.gif 1:58, 1 Sep 2010 (UTC)
To be less cold and bitchy, I don't expect heroes to kill themselves unless you're running multiple MMs, as heroes will not sac themself to death and the skills only have a sac requirement if there aren't corpses. Hence, a hero would not cast the spell with less than 50% Health unless there were exploitable corpses in range and, therefore, would not sacrifice themself to death unless a corpse were exploited mid-cast (as in cases with multiple MMs).
I don't mind this, because multiple MMs is just about the apex of faceroll gimmicks.
What this does do is lower the skills' minimum payoffs while increasing their maximum payoffs, and I think that's pretty win. — Raine Valen User Raine R.gif 2:39, 1 Sep 2010 (UTC)

Professional MM Here.[edit]

The problem with the minion ideas as a whole is that minion factories would start up URRRRVRYWHERE. Saccing 66, 75, 50% health isn't a big deal when your team is sitting behind a gate waiting for the match to start with 2+ monks. 8 Flesh golems in HA. Lul. Mass bone fiends anywhere. Lul.

  • Bone Fiend: No, it doesn't need a buff, it's the 2nd best minion as it is. Restricted for use in most pvp, sure, but even in those pvp formats it's worth it if your build works with it.
  • Shambling horror: I love Shambling horror, don't touch it. I'm not sure if I like your suggestion or not, it's interesting, but it'd probably be totally OP'd for reasons I'll mention below. Also, 5sec recharge for shambling horror is OP'd for either version. Why? It spams bleeding(All my enemies are always bleeding when I use shambling horror) and it's two packets of energy for the nec, two packets of health if they have Taste of Death. Plus, it looks better than all the other minions in the game.
  • Vamp horror: is just bad. Worst minion by far. Your suggestion is neat, but I'd prefer if it stole health instead of dealing damage. If anyone tries to defend vamp horror as it is in this discussion I will laugh at them.
  • Aura of the Lich: I like that suggestion, the problem is I think the bonus DM would make Deathly swarm/Chill/Fetid ground spike a bit too overwhelming. Then again, it might not.
  • Minions doing damage on death: Your suggestion makes minion factory very possible and very easy. Combine that with death nova, raised death magic, and minions doing damage on death and you get retarded minion bombing. Best example: Bone minions, Aura of the Lich, death nova, taste of death in one build. That's all you need, on four people. (74 x 2 + 120 x 2) x 4(people) = 16 packets totalling 1552 aoe damage. And you could OPEN with that. Even if the minions don't all go to the same target, you still have a ton of poison(+ disease if using putrid flesh), and you could even just raise several bone minions before the timer even ends. That's only 4/8 people doing that, too.

You need to play nec moar, Raine!--Gerroh 03:21, 9 June 2011 (UTC)

Also, the death nova bone minions thing would be totally OP'd in pve, too. You could insta-wipe mobs without having to wipe mobs to get minions.--Gerroh 03:23, 9 June 2011 (UTC)
C. — Raine Valen User Raine R.gif 14:27, 19 Mar 2012 (UTC)