Game updates/20071113
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Update - Tuesday, November 13, 2007[edit]
Play Balance Updates[edit]
We will be evaluating the following changes over the course of this week. Additional adjustments may be made during this time period.
Black Lotus Strike: decreased Energy gain to 5..18; this skill now counts as a lead attack.
Expose Defenses: decreased duration to 1..11 seconds.
Horns of the Ox: decreased damage to 1..11.
Impale: increased casting time to 1 second.
Trampling Ox: decreased damage to 5..20.
Ineptitude: increased recharge time to 20 seconds.
Word of Healing: decreased unconditional heal amount to 5..130.
- Soul Reaping: no longer gains any benefit from Spirits.
Barrage: increased damage to 5..20 damage.
Energizing Wind: decreased duration to 1..31 seconds.
Magebane Shot: increased disable time to 10 seconds; decreased recharge time to 5 seconds.
- Player Pets: no longer leave exploitable corpses.
- Changed the elite skill used by the henchman Mhenlo in Eye of the North to Word of Healing.
Guild Wars Wiki notes[edit]
- Many Korean accounts were permanently banned.
- The new description for Black Lotus Strike states that it is now possible to hit a non-hexed foe, but not gain energy. In reality, the attack will fail if used on a non-hexed foe.