Guild:Keepers Of Odd Knowledge (historical)

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Keepers Of Odd Knowledge [KOOK]

Keepers Of Odd Knowledge [KOOK]
Guild Keepers Of Odd Knowledge cape.jpg
Territory America
Language English
Leader Wenskiya Borgiskov
Type PvE
No. of members 2
VoIP xFire
Time zone PST

We are KOOK, or the Keepers Of Odd Knowledge. We borrowed our name but are not associated with the actual group, though I'm sure if they had a chance to talk to us, we'd happily ask to join. Our group consists of a "Simpsons" trivia knowledge buff (Kendrik), and myself who is a bit of a jack of all trades when it comes to knowing random trivia (Wenskiya). If you yourself are a Keeper of Odd Knowledge, and are looking for a guild, please feel free to befriend us, and maybe you'll fit snugly into the puzzle. But please don't feel like you can't join because you think you don't know any trivia - everyone knows trivial information that randomly pops into their heads. That's why it's called trivia!


Currently, there is no standard test or criteria required for recruitment - simply a prerequisite knowledge of things odd and trivial. Think Jeopardy, but without all the smarmy and pomp of Alex.

Contact information

Leader - Wenskiya Borgiskov's Myspace name - Fenomka

1st Officer - Kendrik Antorril's Myspace name - khaos13mage

Unknown Alliance
Leader Unknown
Members Unknown

Category:PvE guilds