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Anybody else thinks, that they have to much live stealing. I encountered 5 of them and they just spiked some of my team away. Without their special skill it would be managable, but 120 live stealing and deep wound and bleeding is a bit too hard. -Khan Reaper Kerensky 09:04, 4 September 2007 (UTC)
- Yes, AI co-ordinated life stealing spikes can be rather nasty, but I've not had too much trouble with these myself. The best way to deal with it is to have some form of disruption in your party, be it from a domination mesmer, a dazing paragon or ranger, or just old fashioned meteor shower knockdowns from elementalists. Deliberatly triggering the AI to flee from AoE damage also works well, as when they retarget they often will have new targets and healers can manage the damage. Protective Spirit, Spirit Bond and Reversal of Fortune are also a great help against hard hitting Putrid Explosions and Deathly Chill. --Winters Blessing
09:14, 4 September 2007 (UTC)
- There is a mesmer elite that blocks all skills of interrupted profession. This is handy for shutting ONE down at a time while killing it off. But yes, dinosaurs in general are FAR overpowered; anyone who wants to do this in hard mode needs to run at least two (if not more) 'cant touch this' melee characters otherwise your group is toast. Not really any allowance for personal builds here... cookie cutter ftw. --The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk).
- Choking Gas rangers for the win! :P --The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk).
- Yes we know... Anything can be countered... The problem with these guys is that they're not the only Critter in these zones and they're definitely not the only mobs in your path when you actually need to get somewhere like to a mission or dungeon. So building specifically against them just to avoid team-wide DP is beyond a nuisance. ...especially now that they effectively have a ranged Unholy Feast. --ilr
18:51, 14 March 2010 (UTC)
- hmm, I brought a normal group with me (always have 2 interrupters) and these were no problem at all. I think as always the trick in HM or anywhere difficult in GW can be solved by pulling. Although I did tackle a group of 4 of these in a double aggro with raptors. But ample interrupts + mirror of disenchantment + Aegis = kills dinos. Having said that I recognize that these things are effective death magic touchers and THEY ARE DINOSAURS! Scariest enemy in all of GW no doubt.The Alice 17:11, 3 September 2010 (UTC)
- Yes we know... Anything can be countered... The problem with these guys is that they're not the only Critter in these zones and they're definitely not the only mobs in your path when you actually need to get somewhere like to a mission or dungeon. So building specifically against them just to avoid team-wide DP is beyond a nuisance. ...especially now that they effectively have a ranged Unholy Feast. --ilr
- Choking Gas rangers for the win! :P --The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk).
Possible note?[edit]
Like the raptors look like Velociraptors, these guys look like a small sauropod I forget the name of. Add? Eryops3 01:31, 30 December 2009 (UTC)
- No these are Angorodons. They are very real and incredibly dangerous. First they look at you with their sadistic eyes, and then deadly carnivorous bugs flies towards you, aiming to eat your insides. Just when you get the pesky insects off of your face, the Angorodon runs up to you, bites you, tears you apart with their Twisting Jaws, and then eats you while you are alive. When your cameramen comes to retrieve the mangled mess that is your dead body, the Angorodon calls upon the God of Death to explode your corpse, creating a massive shock-wave that kills your cameramen and your loved ones before they even have the slightest chance to escape. --Bear Grylls 09:52, 25 May 2011 (UTC)