Wow. Thank you Fahna for filling in that section. gg--Drekmonger 03:36, 14 February 2007 (PST)
"with the exception of knockdowns" <-- what about death? Ok, i'm only half serious :D — Skuld 07:30, 14 February 2007 (PST)
- Knockdowns, death, and skill disables (think Blackout) aren't interrupts as far as the game is concerned - that is, Mantra of Resolve won't stop them. The article could use a bit of clarification along that route. Savio 08:42, 14 February 2007 (PST)
I saw something similar to this get removed on body block area-having a huge list of skills on the page really hurts the readability. Is it possible to create subpages of Interrupt-Causing Skills, Interrupt Prevention Skills, etc? It's important info but throwing it all on there makes it unwieldy. This would go for a lot of other sections too-snare skills in the snare page, etc. --Trevor Reznik 09:12, 14 February 2007 (PST)
- The body block area was more for redundacy then anything. I do not mind the current version of interrupts. --Narcism 09:21, 14 February 2007 (PST)
- I just figure as long as it's seperated into distinct headings, someone can just open up "interrupts" and click whichever topic they're interested in seeing information about, regardless of how long the page is. And the icons are there to offset a skill list from a list of tips or something else people are encouraged to read casually. The main reason I didn't do a seperate page was that generally if I were going to do that I'd need to give more specific information and set it up in an oversized table, something I thought would actually hurt the readability of it as a quick-list.--Fanha 11:50, 14 February 2007 (PST)
Predictive interruption is useful and justifiable. I don't think this article should tell people not to do it. Cantos 17:07, 17 February 2007 (PST)
- In what situation? The only case it's at all necessary is catching a 1/4 second cast, in which case if you're that good at interrupts, you aren't reading this page for tips on interrupting. For 99% or more of players, discouraging them to try to "predict" interrupts is going to improve their game significantly. For the rest, they should know who they are and know to ignore that tip.--Fanha 18:55, 17 February 2007 (PST)
Isn't that the same as telling people who don't know how to Warrior not to use Frenzy so they don't die a lot? Short term this is good advice, but long term it is bad advice. You really should learn to Frenzy and to predictively interrupt. Cantos 03:21, 18 February 2007 (PST)
I thought I'd add in a clause that quickly defines what an action is, and went on to discuss what the conditions are to trigger an interrupt successfully. I'm not 100% sure it looks good sitting there as the second paragraph. I've had a few discussions with people thinking "Warmongers + Psychic Instability should cause frequent knockdowns... right?". Also removed the part where it says that you need to successfully interrupt in order for the hex to work, for Web of Disruption. - (Terra Xin 10:16, 30 April 2007 (EDT))
- Doesn't apply anymore. See updates on Psychic Instability for details. --Eyekwah 10:27, 23 April 2008 (UTC)
Psychic Instability isn't in there. Can someone make a home for it?(metaphor).--ShadowFog 03:31, 22 October 2008 (UTC)
- Done. totte 07:04, 22 October 2008 (UTC)
Iterrupt Trigger Skills?[edit]
Well, besides Persistence of Memory, it does not look like there are Skills that trigger with iterrupts. What i searched for were skills that do not help getting an interrupt through longer activation times or similiar, but skills that trigger on successfull interrupts, e.g. Health gain every time. —ZerphaThe Improver 15:16, 8 December 2007 (UTC)
- Frustration does both. — Raine Valen
18:37, 6 Jan 2011 (UTC)
Spectral Agony[edit]
Spectral Agony should be added to the list of spells to help interrupts. If, through some divine intervention, you don't die from it while being uninfused, you cast spells 80% slower. Therefore, any interrupting monsters in the mob can easily shut you down so long as, again, Spectral Agony doesn't kill you first. Silavor 15:22, 16 June 2008 (UTC)
Sorting the skills[edit]
I think it would be great to sort the skills in a more structured fashion (in addition to the current profession grouping). Either alphabetically within each profession, or maybe even add attribute information. If people thinks this is a good idea I can go ahead and make a suggestion before implementing any big changes. --Totte 07:11, 22 October 2008 (UTC)
Ranger and Unconditional Damage[edit]
"This is less of a concern with Ranger interrupts, since they inflict unconditional damage". Do they? That's news to me! Unless you mean Punishing Shot that is... Combatter 09:19, 29 July 2009 (UTC)
- i guess he means damage not bonus damage.....anyways, shouldnt this article mention that you can interrupt best as a ranger if you dont autoattack? autoattacking messes up interrupt timing so badly because after a certain animation point it will not stop autoattacking but first finish the autoattack and THEN interrupt, not when you press the key.
Attacking + interupt skills[edit]
If your auto attacking and you see a skill you want interupted and use a spell interupt like say power spike, is it less likely you will get the interupt? I can almost NEVER get an interupt I want on a skill that has below a 2 second cast time. Just wondering if its possible my auto attacking that slows the interupts reaction time. ty. Justice 03:02, 11 January 2010 (UTC)
- Attacking can delay interrupts, yes. You won't launch the int until your attack hits; it's the same concept as quarterstepping. — Raine Valen
18:39, 6 Jan 2011 (UTC)
Resists interrupts[edit]
There are some bosses that are hard to interrupt (see unwaking waters) and some bosses who's AI changes if they get interrupted (see a time for heros)... I think both should be of note... 13:00, 29 April 2010 (UTC)
Keystone Signet missing[edit]
Keystone signet needs to be added along with Panic for example which also causes AOE interrupts. Also, it needs clarification whether skills like Panic and Keystone Signet interrupt any action, any skill, or everything. 16:06, 8 July 2011 (UTC)
A Note On Mesmer Interruptions[edit]
For anyone who would read this page in search of further knowledge, I can confirm through testing that all but one Mesmer interruption skills function in the following manner:
- - All Mesmer interruption skills A. Interrupt B. Have an additional function that, in most cases, is supposed to activate upon interruptions (most concise descriptions read this way).
- - All Mesmer interruption skills actually work like this A. If your target is using a spell/chant/skill, they are interrupted. B. If your target is using a spell/chant/skill, X will also occur (X being damage, energy loss, disable time or some other effect).
So, aside from every concise description besides Power Block's being plain wrong, there is no Mesmer interruption skill that actually needs to interrupt to activate any of its secondary effects. Their secondary effects are dependent on a skill being used, not interrupted. The only exception to this is Psychic Instability, which does indeed require a target to be interrupted in order for the knockdown to take place. Soldier198 (talk) 04:50, 24 November 2019 (UTC)
A Complete Ruleset for Secondary Effects of Direct Interruption Skills[edit]
After going through and testing every single direct interruption skill in the game, I have created a ruleset that applies accurately to all interruption skills except one (Psychic Instability).
The procedures for interruptions are as follows ordered by skill type:
Spells and Signets
- - Spells and signets which directly interrupt will also trigger their secondary affects (damage, energy loss, recharge time) regardless of interruption, provided the attempted interruption was on a skill of the proper skill type (i.e Power Spike cannot interrupt signets).
Attack Skills
- - Attack skills which directly interrupt will also trigger their secondary effects, except disable time, regardless of interruption, provided the attempted interruption was on a skill of the proper skill type.
I do not know why attack skills do not disable skills that are not interrupted, while spells and signets do. Consider the full descriptions of the following skills (we will ignore concise descriptions because they fail to accurately describe the behaviors of most interruption skills).
- If target foe is casting a spell or chant, that skill is interrupted and disabled for an additional 5...11...13 seconds.
- The description correctly implies that a spell or chant will be both interrupted and disabled, so long as the foe is casting one. These effects happen independently of one another.
- If this attack hits, it interrupts target foe's action. If that action was a spell, it is disabled for an additional 10 seconds. This attack cannot be blocked.
- From this description, we can infer that two things are happening when Magebane Shot strikes a foe. A. The targets action is always interrupted. B. If the targets action was a spell, it is disabled.
- However, effects A and B are not implied to be dependent on eachother. A wording such as If the interrupted action was a spell, it is disabled would imply that the spell need be interrupted to be disabled. As it is, this is not the case and, as worded, these effects should exist as separate entities.
- From this description, we can infer that two things are happening when Magebane Shot strikes a foe. A. The targets action is always interrupted. B. If the targets action was a spell, it is disabled.
Henceforth, since every direct interruption skill in the game falls into the category of Spells, Signets, or Attack Skills, this ruleset applies, and is followed by, every single one of these skills. However, as mentioned before, Psychic Instability is the only direct interruption skill in the game that does not follow this ruleset. It has to interrupt its target in order for the target to be knocked down. Soldier198 (talk) 03:40, 26 December 2019 (UTC)
- Addendum: Skills Which Create Effects Dependent On Interruptions From Other Sources
- Any skill which creates an effect dependent on other sources of interruption seems to behave in the following way:
- -If the effect is not an increased disable time, the effect occurs regardless of interruption.
- -In the case of Frustration, both the concise and full description are entirely incorrect. A target takes damage whenever an interruption skill is used on the target so long as that target is completing an action, be it skill activation or auto attacking. The target need not be interrupted at all.
- -In the case of Spinal Shivers and its copy, the full description correctly describes its' behavior. The user will lose energy regardless of the target being interrupted.
- -As there is no skill which increases the recharge times of interrupted skills provided they are interrupted by other mean, we cannot know what would happen if there was one. Soldier198 (talk) 04:27, 26 December 2019 (UTC)
- -If the effect is not an increased disable time, the effect occurs regardless of interruption.
- Any skill which creates an effect dependent on other sources of interruption seems to behave in the following way:
- congratulations on the meticulous work you did. Incredible that it took so long for someone to thoroughly test it, eh!?
- may I suggest that you add the main rule to the interrupt page. This is too valuable to have „only“ on the talk page. Best, 01:58, 27 December 2019 (UTC)