Talk:Master of Damage
Let me just say THANK YOU ANET! Ive been needing this npc for a long time. ~ Zero rogue x 07:33, 28 September 2007 (UTC)
Totally awesome... don't need a calculator to see my DPS now. I can't wait to try and set personal records. First solo try came in at 7,000+ damage over 120 seconds, with an average DPS of 61. Go Go Assassins! :P -- Ĵĩôřũĵĩ Đēŗāķō.>.cнаt^ 07:43, 28 September 2007 (UTC)
- Really cool NPC, very good idea. --NeHoMaR
08:36, 28 September 2007 (UTC)
My personal record is 420 with a rit/w now ;) (shot by a friend, who did help as all his skills are recharged). I <3 this guy ^^. Melee record=314 dps. --PyrAnkh 10:28, 28 September 2007 (UTC)
- I'm going for consistency, personally. :P I want to see what the highest DPS I can maintain is; three-second-kill is tough to beat, but how's the DPS if you keep at it for a minute or two? --
Ĵĩôřũĵĩ Đēŗāķō.>.cнаt^ 10:35, 28 September 2007 (UTC)
- Moeb/db wins dps hands down, it has for awhile. -Auron 10:36, 28 September 2007 (UTC)
- Yea moebius is nice for dps over a long time. I managed 539 damage in 1 second now, kill in 2. Anybody can do better? --PyrAnkh 12:20, 28 September 2007 (UTC)
- I do: (Pluisje 11:46, 3 August 2008 (UTC))
- Yea moebius is nice for dps over a long time. I managed 539 damage in 1 second now, kill in 2. Anybody can do better? --PyrAnkh 12:20, 28 September 2007 (UTC)
- Moeb/db wins dps hands down, it has for awhile. -Auron 10:36, 28 September 2007 (UTC)
It'd be awfully nice if there was a way to make him attack or perform some kind of action. Spiteful + Insidious + Parasitic = 2 dmg/sec, death sometime next year. Love it though aside from that.
- I wonder if Illusion of Pain could be used to have an average DPS with a minus sign in front of it? :P --
Jïörüjï Ðērākō.>.cнаt^ 05:41, 19 October 2007 (UTC)
- Heh, funny! Doesn't seem to take the healing into account though, tried it :( Registers it as ~170 dmg @ ~16/sec
- Awh, too bad it doesn't count the healing! But I'm not surprised, either. That would require subtracting the health gained from the DPS, and besides, if someone heals, it's not really changing your DPS, eh? It's just changing the amount of time it takes for a kill. --
Jïörüjï Ðērākō.>.cнаt^ 08:53, 20 October 2007 (UTC)
- Awh, too bad it doesn't count the healing! But I'm not surprised, either. That would require subtracting the health gained from the DPS, and besides, if someone heals, it's not really changing your DPS, eh? It's just changing the amount of time it takes for a kill. --
- Heh, funny! Doesn't seem to take the healing into account though, tried it :( Registers it as ~170 dmg @ ~16/sec
If you bow (as in use /bow) by definition you stopped attacking...why that is in there baffles me.--Life Infusion «T» 02:50, 1 October 2007 (UTC)
- You don't have to be attacking to have him active, though. Casting spells and whatnot also works, so long as he's taking damage, he keeps counting. Using /bow will force him to end, and by going friendly, he'll ignore any time-based damage still going. It's good if you want the test to end at that particular moment, as opposed to backing away and waiting for him to figure out you've stopped, and not simply paused. --
Jïörüjï Ðērākō.>.cнаt^ 03:36, 1 October 2007 (UTC)
- it's good for if ur testing a spike that includes health degen that will still cause dps after the spikes over 00:34, 30 April 2008 (UTC)
Master of Damage[edit]
- → moved from User talk:Gaile Gray
Hey Gaile, is there any reason why the recently added Master of Damage can't actually die? Meaning, when you bring him down to 0 health, it doesn't actually register as a death and skills that trigger "on death" don't work. It would be sweet if this could possibly be changed, unless there's a specific reason why it is the way it is ofcourse. 23:06, 28 September 2007 (UTC)
- How would he read you your stats if he was dead? -- Counciler 03:39, 29 September 2007 (UTC)
- How does he revive himself to full health after you get him to 0 health? Stupid questions get stupid answers. (Besides, your point is completely invalid, as when he read you your stats, he also tells you after how many seconds he died--that fact alone makes it very logical that "on death" skills should trigger.)
05:15, 29 September 2007 (UTC)
- You didn't answer with a 'stupid answer'... you replied with a stupid question. In addation, what I typed was a rhetorical question, meaning you were not expected to actually answer it in the first place. The guy doesnt die because you are supposed to be able to keep killing him, trying to maximize your DPS output with each attempt. I might as well add that I fail to see how your response invalidates my point... since... 1.) I never really made much of a point. I asked a rhetorical question. 2.) If you really see my question as a 'point', then your response has nothing to do with it. I say this because it does not address the correct concept that dead people don't talk.
- And one last thing.... there is no such thing as a stupid question. -- Counciler 07:40, 29 September 2007 (UTC)
- If you stop attacking him before draining his health, he'll give you the estimated time until death based on your average DPS. -- Gordon Ecker 05:23, 29 September 2007 (UTC)
- "There's no such thing as a stupid question, only inquisitive idiots". Did you leave the last part out on purpose there? :P
- But I believe what Rivin was talking about is, the Master of Damage is "dying" repeatedly, but he still doesn't trigger any "on death" effects, like Assassin's Promise and whatnot. If someone wants to check the DPS on their Promise Nuker, they've gotta put the Promise on one of the little dummies instead, or something, and do nothing but AoE damage. Granted, it's not a big deal overall, but it would be cool if ANet could somehow code it to count as a death when he hits zero... --
Ĵĩôřũĵĩ Đēŗāķō.>.cнаt^ 13:27, 29 September 2007 (UTC)
- Well since calling someone an idiot is against the rules here, yes. -- Counciler 03:10, 30 September 2007 (UTC)
- That's exactly what I mean. And Counciler, as far as I'm concerned, you're just trolling.
17:44, 29 September 2007 (UTC)
- Well I guess its a good thing I don't give a <censored> what you think, now isn't it? -- Counciler 03:10, 30 September 2007 (UTC)
- Get back on topic please. - BeX
03:12, 30 September 2007 (UTC)
- It would be nice if he died and insta-resed. -- Gordon Ecker 03:27, 30 September 2007 (UTC)
- OMG master of damage, thats so cool! thanks Anet! i think hes perfect! it would be a plus if he died and insta-rezzed, but if i were in charge of coding, i wouldn't bother, theres plenty of targets out there to test after death effects. It would also be cool if you had, say.. a "master of damaging" for testing defenses, (lol yea i know i prolly jus opened the floodgates), ill b plenty busy for now, with my murder attempts =P--WikiWu 09:46, 3 October 2007 (UTC)
- just realised there would b a problem with dieing/insta-rez... how would u know how much surplus damage u can deal if he dies before u do it?=O--WikiWu 07:25, 5 October 2007 (UTC)
- OMG master of damage, thats so cool! thanks Anet! i think hes perfect! it would be a plus if he died and insta-rezzed, but if i were in charge of coding, i wouldn't bother, theres plenty of targets out there to test after death effects. It would also be cool if you had, say.. a "master of damaging" for testing defenses, (lol yea i know i prolly jus opened the floodgates), ill b plenty busy for now, with my murder attempts =P--WikiWu 09:46, 3 October 2007 (UTC)
- It would be nice if he died and insta-resed. -- Gordon Ecker 03:27, 30 September 2007 (UTC)
- Get back on topic please. - BeX
- Well I guess its a good thing I don't give a <censored> what you think, now isn't it? -- Counciler 03:10, 30 September 2007 (UTC)
- How does he revive himself to full health after you get him to 0 health? Stupid questions get stupid answers. (Besides, your point is completely invalid, as when he read you your stats, he also tells you after how many seconds he died--that fact alone makes it very logical that "on death" skills should trigger.)
- (reset indent): He doesn't need to actually die, if he simply triggered death effects. But then again, there's a lot of complications with that. Assassin's Promise would trigger, but it would still be there?
- On the note of an Assassin's Promise character; your DPS is really only worth recording until you get the first death. In actual use, that's the point where you recharge everything and go after a new character, so the DPS restarts. Simply kill the Master once, hit /bow, then whatever you come up with is your overall DPS, and will be, no matter if you kill one guy or fifty guys. --
Jïörüjï Ðērākō.>.cнаt^ 03:45, 6 October 2007 (UTC)
- Another thing is that conditions don't reset when the MoD revives. Could this be throwing out the sustained DPS calculations for things like Deep Wound, I wonder. -- Hong 16:07, 4 February 2008 (UTC)
- "Testing DPS is so stupid, because it has no actual use in practice. Kiting, blocking, blind, shutdown, interrupts etc. Why would you want to know your DPS when it's of no note worthy in this game. Sure, there is DPS, and things have high DPS, but that doesn't make you kill. And it's not why the Master of Damage wasn't added. It was added to check on spikes, how much damage you dow with that. Because, you might see that he counts the dmg total after 590 as well, that's just to calculate enchantments/regen/etc in. He also tells you the average of your dmg per second. That's to check on Infusability (I just made that word up, cool huh?) and to let you see how far your spikes are off. DPS, it might be helpful when farming Trolls, but it's not the reason the Master of Damage was added. BlazeRick 21:50, 10 April 2008 (UTC)
- Another thing is that conditions don't reset when the MoD revives. Could this be throwing out the sustained DPS calculations for things like Deep Wound, I wonder. -- Hong 16:07, 4 February 2008 (UTC)
axe = 40dps,sword = 40dps,hammer = 45dps. 13 str, 16mastery. 15^50% and sundering mod. test it yourself. (the actual numbers are 39,39,44). also using frenzy xD --Lou-Saydus 02:45, 5 December 2007 (UTC)
- Ensign did this awhile ago (two years or so) and had
Sword: 34.12 damage per hit, 25.59 damage per second, 1536 damage per minute; 38.39 damage per second, 2303 damage per minute while under Frenzy Axe: 35.55 damage per hit, 26.66 damage per second, 1600 damage per minute; 40 damage per second, 2400 damage per minute while under Frenzy Hammer: 51.36 damage per hit, 29.35 damage per second, 1761 damage per minute; 44.02 damage per second, 2641 damage per minute while under Frenzy
- It all evens out (except for swords, generally). Axes get plenty of solid +damage attack skills, hammers get those and knockdown, and swords get hosed (not many +damage skills, and the only damage skill worth mentioning isn't run anymore because of all the block in the meta). I guess S&MS is decent, but... meh. Auron 02:53, 5 December 2007 (UTC)
Deep Wound[edit]
So, I was curious to see how the dps calculation took into account DW, given that the Master of Damage doesn't clear his conditions each time he revives. I did some basic testing tonight with a couple of simple pressure builds:
The idea is to see how the game handles a DW that persists over multiple "deaths". Testing was by attacking the MoD until he died 4 times, at which point I stopped the fight. I did 2 fights for each build, with identical equipment (furious max sword with 15^50 inscription, customised). The results were as follows:
- Non-DW build:
- 2477 damage in 46 seconds = 53.8 dps
- 2500 damage in 47 seconds = 53.2 dps
- DW build:
- 2050 damage in 45 seconds = 45.6 dps
- 2099 damage in 44 seconds = 47.7 dps
Each death took about 11 seconds, so the length of the DW was easily enough to go over multiple deaths (19 secs at 14 Swordsmanship). From this, it would look like it doesn't count DW towards the damage total for the 2nd and subsequent deaths, which has the effect of artificially depressing the dps results. As noted, I kept each fight going until I killed him 4 times, so the damage totals in theory should be about the same for all fights. However, it can be seen that the DW numbers are significantly lower.
Probably not so relevant if you only want the time to first kill, but possibly of interest if you want sustained DPS numbers. -- Hong 09:39, 5 February 2008 (UTC)
You are comparing a build with two attacks that do extra damage when they hit to a build that only has bleeding as extra damage. Of course the build with two damage attacks comes out on top then. Anyway, deep wound doesn't do any damage so I see no reason why it should effect DPS. It does make kills go faster, so it should show in the time needed for the first kill (if you happen to get enough adrenaline to apply it). After that it has no value for DPS anymore. --The preceding unsigned comment was added by User:Dutchsmurf (talk).
- I'm not claiming that one build is better than the other. All I'm saying is that if you were interested in sustained DPS over time, the numbers that the MoD gives you could possibly be misleading. Yes, the result for 1 death is not affected by this glitch, but you might want to extend the timing over 2 or more deaths to get a more precise figure. And deep wound may not be "damage" in technical terms, but what does that have to do with anything? Lifesteal is also technically not damage, but it helps you kill the other guy faster just the same, and it gets counted by the MoD as well. -- Hong 13:14, 5 February 2008 (UTC)
- Although, interestingly, the non-DW build seems to be just as good in raw DPS terms as the DW build (both took about 10-11 secs for the 1st kill). It lacks snaring and spike capability, so wouldn't be suited for PvP, but that's another issue. -- Hong 13:18, 5 February 2008 (UTC)
The total damage does not include hp reductions from Deep Wound. I've tested by using a warrior with Eviscerate as his only skill, with 0 axe mastery. The attack did 5 dmg and he said... "You did 5 damage over 1 second, for an average of 5 damage per second. Your best damage in a single second was 5. Death occured after 118 seconds". Jinsof 00:17, 30 April 2008 (UTC)
I've done some tests and found out that his energy is 30. if anyone can prove me wrong be my guest. i've tested by using mind burn. when my energy is 31 mind burn does the extra damage, when my energy is 30 it doesn't do any extra damage. Jinsof 20:00, 5 May 2008 (UTC)
- Could be kinda annoying if you're trying to work out the dps on a build like dual surge. Starcraft Forever 20:30, 5 May 2008 (UTC)
Anyone better?[edit]
Anyone can beat this?
(Pluisje 11:48, 3 August 2008 (UTC))+
Beaten dps and total for a same duration as yours shown it would be just over 5,000 dmg maintaining. i like having the master of dmg when checking out pure DPS builds, couldn't beat the spike dmg though.... sorry i don't have a wiki account to upload pictures 21:10, 23 October 2008 (UTC)
- I did...well with the exception of the single second damage...with 11,967 dmg over 180 seconds for an average of 66 dmg per second, and best damage in a single second was 323 and 16 seconds.-- 03:36, 15 May 2009 (UTC)
My Ranger Spike and Sin, played around for a while to get a 1 sec kill on him and max dps on the sin over the full duration.
- I think I won...
Strykeraid 07:17, 29 August 2009 (UTC)
- [1] I think I won 05:10, 19 November 2011 (UTC)
Anyone notice a resemblence? Kormon Balser 06:49, 27 November 2011 (UTC)
- Just added that one - Aiyanasunshadow 18:52, 20 December 2011 (UTC)