Talk:Master of Winds
Master of Winds[edit]
- → moved from User Talk:Gaile Gray
please, is it possible to get rid of them the spell they use makes me lag spike while i move they cats it i spike on all my comps be it my laptop or my main computer is there a way to turn off the masters of wind other then bringing some spell stoper--Lord randy taylor 20:56, 25 April 2009 (UTC)
- Hi Randy. I'm not sure what you're asking, and I'm sorry that I can't quite understand it. Are you requesting that we remove a spell from the game? That's just not likely to happen (and I don't know of the spell causing problems for other players). Or are you asking for a gameplay strategy to work around the spell? If you need help with how to overcome the use of the spell, I would suggest you post on the discussion page for the spell in question and I'm sure someone will offer some tips on that. -- Gaile
21:27, 25 April 2009 (UTC)
- No not to remove the spell, in the Menagerie the masters of winds will us a spell that makes me lagspike is there a way to turn off masters of iwnd in that area, like to cause them to not cast it on you--Lord randy taylor 21:31, 25 April 2009 (UTC)
- I don't know of other people having issues with this. If we get reports, I'm sure the team will look at the matter. -- Gaile
21:33, 25 April 2009 (UTC)
- Personally I'm not getting lag spikes from Windborne Speed. But if it's causing lag, maybe it can be changed to an environment effect that gives 33% extra speed while in the Menagerie and in the Isle of the nameless. --Mage
Montu 21:49, 25 April 2009 (UTC)
- Personally I'm not getting lag spikes from Windborne Speed. But if it's causing lag, maybe it can be changed to an environment effect that gives 33% extra speed while in the Menagerie and in the Isle of the nameless. --Mage
- I don't know of other people having issues with this. If we get reports, I'm sure the team will look at the matter. -- Gaile
i honestly just prefer the speed stance the spell lag spikes me there when its cast, and for a little while after--Lord randy taylor 22:30, 25 April 2009 (UTC)
- They should have just made a global effect for the zone, instead of having mass NPCs in there casting spells. So, whenever you're there you and pet have a 33% speed boost regardless. Anywoo. 23:37, 25 April 2009 (UTC)
- Sorry to be harsh but here it is - Yes lets remove the feature from the game just because your computer can't handle it! - Ok rant over. On another note why not just turn all the graphic settings right down. --Lemming
23:41, 25 April 2009 (UTC)
- Not sure that would help Lemming64 because if i'm correct there is hardly any graphic used for it to make such an impact, it'll probably be the calculations made by his pc to determine where, when and so on that causes the lag spike. He could try tho, but I suggest turning off any programs that might be running in the background. Qaletaqa 00:41, 26 April 2009 (UTC)
- Sorry to be harsh but here it is - Yes lets remove the feature from the game just because your computer can't handle it! - Ok rant over. On another note why not just turn all the graphic settings right down. --Lemming
- They should have just made a global effect for the zone, instead of having mass NPCs in there casting spells. So, whenever you're there you and pet have a 33% speed boost regardless. Anywoo. 23:37, 25 April 2009 (UTC)
Reset Indent. The graphic used for Windborne Speed uses post processing. That is most likely the problem if he has his graphics turned up too high. I say go to graphics and click auto detect then turn everything down a little and see if that helps. Drogo Boffin 00:54, 26 April 2009 (UTC)
i NEVER said NEVEr to remove it totaly but to give us an option to stop them form doign it to your char, and my graphics card is on lowest setting when in menagerie--Lord randy taylor 01:45, 26 April 2009 (UTC)
- Ok maybe you should wait until the 4th Anniversary celebrations are over. I also get huge lag spikes when something big is going on in guild wars. Also remember that the menagerie is a new feature in-game, so there are lots of people using it right now <not sure if that has to do anything with lags spikes but I suspect it does> --Mage
Montu 05:52, 26 April 2009 (UTC)
k1. it does this in any area of pvp, 2. ive been hideign in itn districts till events over, 3. menagerie itself is lagspike free its that spell, 4. i do NOT want it removed form the game just the option to switch it off the master of winds while in the zones--Lord randy taylor 11:05, 26 April 2009 (UTC)
- Careful. The less common sense you apply, the more abuse comes your way.
- It's enough trying to micro heroes, now you want to be able to control all non-hostile enemies in the game? Oh, so that's all... --> A F K When Needed 18:07, 27 April 2009 (UTC)
- I don't think it's unreasonable to have the ability to talk to the master of wind and have a dialogue to decline their services while you are in the zone. The only thing going against this is that so far this is the first complaint about them, and everyone else would have basically no use for such a feature. Do you have your post-process effects off? They are one of the most intensive loads on your graphics card. I always have mine off, because I don't like the glowy effect on everything anyway.
Rose Of Kali 18:39, 27 April 2009 (UTC)
- I don't think it's unreasonable to have the ability to talk to the master of wind and have a dialogue to decline their services while you are in the zone. The only thing going against this is that so far this is the first complaint about them, and everyone else would have basically no use for such a feature. Do you have your post-process effects off? They are one of the most intensive loads on your graphics card. I always have mine off, because I don't like the glowy effect on everything anyway.
- Can I ask: What stopped Arenanet from making it an Environmental Effect? Say, while you're in the instance you and heroes move 25-33% faster regardless of where are you? You could have had a nice little icon in the corner, kind of like a blessing or something. I can't imagine it's that hard of a thing to do when compared to placing (over-the-top-but) a billion Masters of Winds in the zone? It de-populates the zone, yes, if you took them out in favor of an effect but its a place for the pets, the Masters are un-necessary unless there's some coding issue. 20:13, 27 April 2009 (UTC)
- I agree to that too.
I think when they made the first Masters of Wind in Isle of the Nameless, environment effects didn't even exist in the game. They were first introduced in Factions, iirc.And I guess they made the Menagerie like the IOTN. But you are right, an effect would be better. There have been a few instances near turning points and bridges where I got stuck on them.Rose Of Kali 02:03, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
- Strike that, forgot about Glint's Lair effects.
Rose Of Kali 02:05, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
- Three words- Vow of Silence. 02:12, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
- I agree to that too.
k one why is it that not wantign to lag spike while im movein thru that area and slaming into a corner wrong, and two I DON WANT TO SPEND WHAT LITTLE MONEY I HAVE LEFT ON A ELITE TOME OR THE PROF CHANGE TO GET IT, im oen of the people with little cash at most times and little to sell so i dotn spend my gold unless its unavoidable and three idk but when my pvp derv went thru it to get a wolf it bypassed VoS--Lord randy taylor 03:04, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
- Quick question for you. Do you experience lag spikes anywhere else in the game? The animations and sounds for Windborne Speed are really quite minimal in comparison to other areas in the game. If this single spell is causing you a lag spike, I'd expect to hear that you're unable to move through most cities, and unable to do anything at all in a battle. Is this the case?
- That said, I'd like to have the Masters of Wind replaced by an environmental effect if increased movement speed is really necessary in the area. Not due to lag, but in part because I find the sound annoying if I stand in one spot for any length of time (such as talking to the NPCs about different evolutions). In addition, my character's heroes are never enchanted with Windborne Speed, which is somewhat annoying if my character runs a long distance -- if I wanted to leave the heroes behind, I wouldn't have brought them into the menagerie in the first place.
- But I'm really baffled about the discussion of Windborne Speed being the sole cause of lag.
- --Nkuvu
06:17, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
k everytime they cats that spell i lagspike, and no i run the rest of the game perfectly im just very unlucky and that spell realy dpes soemthgin and idk why--Lord randy taylor 09:01, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
- I've experienced some kind of lag in the Menagerie, but I'm not sure if it's just high server demand due to the update. An environmental effect or at least a party wide skill would be preferrable to me personally and it would enable the removal of the Masters all together are they're a redundant feature to the Menagerie itself. Unless there's a coding issue I'd perfer that as a design feature. 20:17, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
like place an Npc outside menagerie that throught it you can switch off the masters of winds--Lord randy taylor 20:27, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
- I experience about 2 seconds of extremely low FPS when first entering the monastery, but I would hardly call it a lagspike. I assume it slows down a bit when your computer has to process the spell being on you before your character fully loads. But honestly, even if you lagspike in one area, you can't expect any real changes to be made just for one user ~ Chao 15:08, 29 April 2009 (UTC)
- Well to clarify our terminology, lag usually refers to network latency. If by "lag" you mean a sudden FPS drop or spike in CPU usage, that's your computer's problem. Even if you are getting a spike in the network latency, it's still your problem. Anyways, tell me if you "lag" looking at the bridge over the river of souls in the Gate of Pain. Otherwise, your best bet is to completely reinstall gw, reload all graphics drivers, and possibly restore your computer. --8765 17:41, 29 April 2009 (UTC)
- FPS stuttering and such on map load are common IME anyhow. The game uses some sort of texture/mipstreaming thing, which means at any time before all the character graphics are loaded there's gonna be a lot of disk or at least video bus traffic that will slow everything else down ^_^. --Star Weaver 21:01, 29 April 2009 (UTC)
- They also tend to block paths and, more importantly, ruïn screenshots with their under-the-influence-of-an-enchantment animation. Seriously, anyone who wants a speed boost in there can just bring one themselves so there's really no reason to keep them, and plenty to remove them. 14:24, 22 June 2009 (UTC)
- FPS stuttering and such on map load are common IME anyhow. The game uses some sort of texture/mipstreaming thing, which means at any time before all the character graphics are loaded there's gonna be a lot of disk or at least video bus traffic that will slow everything else down ^_^. --Star Weaver 21:01, 29 April 2009 (UTC)
- Well to clarify our terminology, lag usually refers to network latency. If by "lag" you mean a sudden FPS drop or spike in CPU usage, that's your computer's problem. Even if you are getting a spike in the network latency, it's still your problem. Anyways, tell me if you "lag" looking at the bridge over the river of souls in the Gate of Pain. Otherwise, your best bet is to completely reinstall gw, reload all graphics drivers, and possibly restore your computer. --8765 17:41, 29 April 2009 (UTC)
SUPER NPC!![edit]
I have tried so many times to kill these in the Isle of the Nameless with that trebuchet and they wont die. Are they invulnerable or haven't I been told something? PLEASE ANSWER MY QUESTION!! --Pudz 02:54, 3 February 2011 (UTC)