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HardModeVanquishedIcon.jpgHard Mode tips, tricks and guides (by Devos50) (If I complete a mission again, I try to add it immediately)

Tyria Guardian notes[edit]

The Great Northern Wall[edit]

This was the first mission, and in my opinion to show what Hard Mode is like. I did this area with some guildies, can't remember which. I took myself with Savannah Heat. It isn't the hardest mission to complete, but be careful with Devourers because they can hit annoying hard. The greatest problem was the flee from the Charr. On Hard Mode, the NPC's had been given a speedboost of about 33-50%. This makes it very hard to reach the wall safely without aggroing the Charr. Likely they will reach you. To counter this you can take some speedboostes. Tip: Take a Ranger with speedboostes and/or Broad Head Arrow.

Fort Ranik[edit]

Again I did this mission with the same guildies. I took myself as Elementalist with Savannah Heat. The problem was the hard hitting Charrs. Actually I can't remember much of this mission. The Monk boss at the end was also a bit annoying to fight becaues of his healing abilities, can't really tell much about this mission. Tip: Take protection against the Charr.

Ruins of Surmia[edit]

Again I did this area with 3 guildies, straight after Fort Ranik. The problem here was Rurik. He aggro's everything and doesn't take breaks between the fights. You have to watch him all the time. Especially the end part, where you find the Horn, was hard. Rurik begins a speech, but don't wait on him! Kill the first group of Charr, and you have some time bonus. The bonus was also a bit hard because you have to fight about 4 Charr Flame Wielders. They use their incredible nasty Meteor Shower, with an insane casting time. Try to interrupt or avoid the meteors. Tip: Watch Rurik ALL the time and don't let him aggro!

Nolani Academy[edit]

I did this mission with Sab's 3 man build and myself with Savannah Heat and Pain Inverter. It was very easy. Nothing to worry about. The little hard part was the way back to the Nolani Academy. You have to catch the Charr from behind. You have to lure very well, especially with the Minions. 2 Groups at once can result in a wipe. I used Pain Inverter on the Charr Warriors because they hit the hardest and the fastest. Tip: Take Sab's 3 build;)

Borlis Pass[edit]

I did this mission with Sab's build, the healer and the Elementalist henchman. I took Pain Inverter with Savannah Heat. This mission was actually very easy. At one point, at the end of the fort I believe, you have to watch your aggro and lure very good, because you can't handle about 10 Stome Summits hacking in on 6 party members. Also, the Dolyak Riders are insane. Their healing abilities are really overpowered, and you almost can't kill then if there are more than 3 (!) in a group. Take massive damage for these NPCs or shutdown. Tip: Take great damage or shutdown for the Dolyak Masters.

The Frost Gate[edit]

This mission was a bit harder than Borlis Pass. I did this straight after Borlis Pass with Sab's build, the ele and monk hencie and myself with Savannah Heat. The hardest part was the end, wherey you have to open the Frost Gate. I used here a strategy I took from this wiki: If you put one lever on it, Stone Summits are coming towards your party. They come from the left and the right. Before doing anything, clear the area and CLEAR the right and left parts. The are some really large groups, but with careful aggro you can handle then. Also, be careful for the Spiders in the cave. They are nasty hex planters. Btw, there is a great are to explore at the right bottom (the part where you have to pull the levers) with some monsters. Tip: Use the strategy I described above for the end part.

Gates of Kryta[edit]

Hard mission if you don't take Holy or Fire damage. I did this with myself with Fire Magic and Pain Inverter, I took a monk with Signet of Judgement, and a Dervish with Avatar of Balthazar. Easy as pie until you get to Justicar Harbore. Avoid him and DON'T talk to him, but instead, go straight to the swamp (first do the bonus if you want), and clear the undeads there. When you have killed all the mobs in the swamp the mission is completed, without even talking with the Justicar on the beach. If you talk to him, it get's some harder. He helps you, but he dies very fast and if he dies, the mission is failed. Tip: Avoid the south of the beach because there are groups of Lightning Drakes. They can hit about 180 with one Lightning Orb.

D'Alessio Seaboard[edit]

Everyone says it's hard, but in fact it isn't if you know how to tackle it. I equipped myself with Signet of Judgement, Banish and some other holy damage with Pain Inverter. I took Livia from Sab's build for the healing and 2 other Signet of Judgements Monks. The 'clearing the village' part isn't hard. If you save the NPC for the bonus (the one who's being attacked by the Ranger Undead boss), you can sneak through a northern passage. The hard part begins at the Temple of Tolerance. You have to haste because the Confessor is already under attack, haste, ignore the mobs that are following you or are forward you, and heal him as soon as possible. Begin attacking the Undeads with your Holy damage. After the (many) waves, he gives a speech, but DON'T leave, because another 3 groups are coming, and of he is killed afterwards, you get kicked to the outpost. The part after the Temple of Tolerance is very very easy (when you leave the temple, there are some pop-ups), if compared to the previous part. Tip: Take Holy damage. It helps alot!

Divinity Coast[edit]

The mission itself isn't very hard. The bonus, however, IS: you have to save the choesn from some attacking Ettins and you only have a few seconds before they die. I did this mission with a friend. We took the monk hencie, I went discordway with my heroes and he was a warrior. The trick to do the bonus is to send your heroes and hencies forward. Make sure to look up the map on this wiki before you start so you know where the chosen are. The villagers, which are added as allies, don't have a lot of hp and can die very easy. Be careful with standing in the poisoned water! Also, very important, don't forget to talk to Liongoard Minah when you've saved all 5 villagers. When you get too close to the fountain, the ending cinematic will begin to play and you won't get credit for the bonus. Tip: for saving the chosen, make sure to send your heroes or hencies forward so they can heal the chosen.

The Wilds[edit]

I did this mission with the same warrior from Divinity Coast and the same heroes, but now he took a monk hero. The first time we did this, we had a very unlucky spawn of Moss Scarabs which are the main treat here. I suggest taking a Minion Master and let me explain why: the Moss Scarabs are using Ventera's Gaze which turns your minions hostile toward you, but the minions will be very helpful while doing the bonus. To complete the bonus, you first have to listen to the Centaur Scouts, don't attack then, otherwise you can't get the bonus. After that, you have to kill the leaders of the Centaur clan. These leaders are 2 Elementalist bosses and that's why the Minions can be very handy: then absorb the damage. I didn't take Pain Inverter, but it can be very helpful against then. The Moss Scarabs are very annoying with their Vampiric Touch. Life Stealing isn't considered as damage so Pain Invert will not work against then. The warrior clumpsed then up and I used Meteor Shower and some AoE, but sometimes you can have a bad spawn of 4 Life Pods and 6 Moss Scarabs which can be very, very hard for you party. Oh, and I forgot to tell that there are 2 healing monk bosses in the mission! Tip: take a Minion Master.

Bloodstone Fen[edit]


Aurora Glade[edit]


Riverside Province[edit]

When I did this mission, it was the Zaishen Mission so I went with 2 monks and some other damage dealers. First of all, you're facing loads of White Mantles. Besides that, there are some on towers so make sure to take elemental or ranger damage (health degeneration also really helps). The mission itself is not very hard. The bonus however can be annoying. For the bonus, you have to disable all 9 watchtowers. You can see their position on the Riverside Province map on this wiki. Be careful however: when you approach the towers, the tower guards will yell all White Mantle mobs near the tower! Don't take then all at once: you will wipe! Instead, approach the tower, run back and pull the mobs seperate. Disable all 9 towers. There are some bosses when you need a moral boost. At the end, don't kill the end boss (the ranger) but disable the towers at each side of the road. Only kill the end boss when you have credit for the bonus. If you haven't, you missed something. Go back and look for that tower. Tip: There are plenty of corpses so it's a good idea to take a Minion Master. The will also form a wall when you get too much aggro.

Sanctum Cay[edit]

Only six people can be taken in a party :(. Sanctum Cay was the Zaishen Mission when I did it so I went with 5 other people. The White Mantle mobs can hit very hard: the Elementalists mobs eat your minions and party with deadly Fire Magic and the Monks are shielding like the insane. First focus on the healer. After that, kill the Servant, you can do this very easy with Pain Inverter (be careful of their Meteor). Just follow the way and talk to the Restless Spirit if you want to do the bonus. Follow the way until you get to the Vizier. He will summon a ship, but you have to protect him while he's doing that. This is the hardest part of the mission: you must protect the Vizier: he may not die. Waves of White Mantles will come toward your party. Kill them fast because othrwise you can get overwhelmed. The Savant's Searing Heat is especially dangerous for your party. Ward of Elements will help. If you bring the Restless Spirit to the resting place, make sure that the waves are over, otherwise the Vizier can get killed and you will fail the mission. Also, when you're done with the waves, don't approach the docks if you want to do the bonus and you haven't done it yet. If you approach the dock, the end cinematic will play. Tip: Take wards for extra protection!

Thirsty River[edit]


Dunes of Despair[edit]


Elona Reach[edit]

When I did this mission, it was the Zaishen Mission, so I gathered a team of real people. The mission itself is not that hard and we finished the mission with about 12 minutes on the timer so the time was no problem. Here you have to be careful with pulling: there are several boss groups and if you pull both groups, they can easily overwhelm your group. Also, be careful at the group with the Elementalist boss, he can deal massive damage, together with his group. Be careful with pulling here, there are several other groups patrolling around him. Tip: try to pull groups and be careful with your aggro.

Augury Rock[edit]

Fighting against yourself is always fun, especially in this mission. The Doppelganger is lvl 30 and if you take spells with short casting time, he will kill you in seconds (that happened to me when I tried my general Savannah Heat build :P). On this wiki and osme other ones are some tips to defeat him in HM. Since I'm an Ele, I took the following skills: Mark of Rodgort, Conjure Flame, Kinetic Armor and Stone Daggers. Before stepping on the last stone thus entering the mission, I casted Conjure Flame and Kinetic Armor. When you get the cutscene, skip it and cast Mark of Rodgort immediately on him. Attack him with your wand or staff. Make sure to keep Kinetic Armor up by casting Stone Daggers. He will die in under 2 minutes and you will get the bonus too. The high armor of Kinetic Armor prevents you from being hit very hard. For me it was close, when he died, I had about 50 hp left. This tactic also works if you are other professions, just make sure to put all your attribute points in Earth and Fire magic. Don't take any other spell with you! Tip: use the tactic above :)

Ice Caves of Sorrow[edit]


Iron Mines of Moladune[edit]

Luckily this was the Zaishen Mission so I did this with a PuG of 8 people (2 Monks). I took Pain Inverter with my standard Savannah Heat build. When you start the mission, you can skip some large groups of mobs and walk straight north. Sometimes you come across a wide open place. Be careful here because they will besiege you there. You can take quite a bit damage there and it would be bad if someone dies: you don't have much time to res him. There's also a healing Monk boss to make it even harder! The infusion part is actually very easy: just kill the ice beast and be careful of the Azure Shadows. Make sure everyone is infused because you are going to fight Mursaats! If you want to do the bonus, skip the fort with Markis and walk south. You will come across a Shining Blade Scout. Do NOT rush to him, instead, let some party members a little north on the way to the scout. Let someone approach the scout. When he gets approached, the Inquisitor will spawn right where you are. Kill him immediately and don't let him escape! You party can take quite some damage here because the Inquisitor is an Elementalist boss. Use Pain Inverter and snares to stop him. When you kill him, the bonus is completed and you can take your revenge on Markis in the bigger fort north. Tip: skip monsters when you can, especially in the beginning.

Thunderhead Keep[edit]


Ring of Fire[edit]


Abaddon's Mouth[edit]


Hell's Precipice[edit]