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HardModeVanquishedIcon.jpgHard Mode tips, tricks and guides (by Devos50) (If I vanquish an area again, I try to add it immediately)

Cantha Vanquisher notes[edit]

Haiju Lagoon[edit]


Jaya Bluffs[edit]


Kinya Province[edit]

A very easy area. I did this with Sab's build and myself with Savannah Heat, Summon Ruby Djinn (my new spell:D) and Pain Inverter. Nothing to say about, only ewo8ufpdsojg¨trpfh<

Minister Cho's Estate[edit]

For this area I equipped myself with Pain Inverter and Sab's build with the monk hencies. The hard mobs are the Afflicteds especially the Elementalists, but an Ele, hexed with Pain Inverter, don't give you any problems. Also, watch out for the (sometimes) big groups and watch your aggro, especially with the minions. The Star Servants can be dangerous sometimes due to their Star Burst, but just use Pain Inverter on him. Also, be careful for the big groups in the northern area with sometimes 2+ Star Servants. The animals are a pushover. Tip: Take Pain Inverter with you.

Panjiang Peninsula[edit]


Saoshang Trail[edit]

Easy area, did this in some minutes with some guildies. I took Savannah Heat. It's not big and there are not much monsters. The only problem can be the healing of the Glitterfangs, but Diversion can help you. Tip: Start from Seitung Harbor for a party size of 6.

Sunqua Vale[edit]

VERY EASY! I even wondered if I switched Hard Mode on:P. I equipped myself with Pain Inverter, Summon Ruby Djinn and Savannah Heat. I only died once, at the Kappa's. The can spike very hard with their Vapor Blade (+- 200 damage). I took Sab's build. A Minion Master works very well here. Also, in the mountains are some Crimson Skull pop-ups. Their healers are very annoying with their Healing Burst. I hate that, but again, you can take Diversion for then for a shutdown. Be careful at the Necromancer Crimson Skull boss and lure very good because 3 patrols cross each other there. There's also a pop-up. Tip: Begin with the Naga's: They are by far the most dangerous mobs here.

Zen Daijun[edit]


Bukdek Byway[edit]

I did this area with some guildise and with the quest The Drunken Master. You only have to kill him for a fast vanquish. Tip: do that:)

Nahpui Quarter[edit]

This area isn't very hard, just be careful with pulling. This was the first area I vanquished with the new 7-heroes update. I took 3 discord heroes, a Jagged Bones Necromancer, a Signet of Spirits Ritualist, a Panic Mesmer and a Incoming! Paragon. I've died several times due to not careful pulling, but that's my own fault. The Jade Brotherhood groups have to be pulled apart. You don't have to vanquish the whole area: most of it is closed and only accessible during the mission itself. Tip: take 7 heroes, but that's obvious isn't it? :D

Pongmei Valley[edit]

Medium-hard area. I did this with myself (Mind Blast) and Pain Inverter, Sab's build and 2 monk hencies, interrupt and the fire Elementalist. We started from Boreas Seabed and began with the Fungal Willow's. After that, we went to the Warrior Yeti Boss that was not hard. Then we went to the Afflicted Ritualist boss, that's the hard part of the area in my opinion. He is often in company of an Afflicted Elementalist and some Rangers and Ritualists (and a Monk:(). We had to did this boss in 2 tries because he wiped our party. Then we went to the Ranger boss. Watch out and lure very good because there are some pop-ups! The Assassin-boss isn't very hard, aggro him and run away: The Am-Fah's and the Jade Brotherhoods will fight each other. Let them fight and go in and kill the rest. Tip: Use the strategy I just descripted for the Assassin boss.

Raisu Palace[edit]

This area was very easy with only some deaths (about 4) from me and a hero. I took a guildie (Ranger, Barrager) with Sab's build and Talkorah (healing, WoH) and the Elementalist with Savannah Heat. I was Ursan. It was very easy actually, we steamrolled through the area! You can lure the bosses from their orbs, because coming near the orbs spawns Shirokens. Try to begin with the northern part, it's the hardest. The Monk boss can also give you some trouble (infinite Spellbreaker:S) but if you damage him enough you will kill him. Tip: Take Pain Inverter for the Elementalist boss!

Shadow's Passage[edit]

Easy area. A guildie Warrior helped me. There are not many mobs here, so its a fast vanquish. There's only one Warrior boss which wiped our party. Tip: Take some anti-melee for the Warrior boss.

Shenzun Tunnels[edit]


Sunjiang District[edit]


Tahnnakai Temple[edit]

I payed 1 platium for this area. If you have the quest: A meeting with the emperator, the only enemies that spawn are 2 Temple Guardians, but watch out that you don't go too far north, otherwise the quest is failed! Vanquish it this way for no (or less) frustration, but if you are looking for a real Hard Mode challenge, this is the area for you! Tip: Look up for someone with the quest (he also need acces to Hard Mode) and vanquish it.

Wajjun Bazaar[edit]

I started from The Marketplace and I took Discord + ele, ranger, brawler and monk hencie. The first challenge is Lian, the Elementalist boss with Dragon Stomp. Make sure you have some minions before engaging him. Use Pain Inverter on him and focus only on him: he must be dead before you proceed to kill the other mobs. Another challenge here are the big and hidden groups of Jade Brotherhoods on the island in the northwest. The mages are deadly with the Dragon Stomp. Try to interrupt it when you can. The next priority are the Knights: they can hit multiple targets with Triple Chop. Be careful here and try to pull! There's also a monk boss on the island. Proceed south and have fun with the Rinkals with groups of 6+ and the last group of 12+ (!) and 3 Monitor monks! Again, make sure you have some minions. Use AoE on then: the Necro's tend to bunch up. Next: the Am Fah with their strong healers, hard hitting Assassins and annoying Marketmen. Here it's very very very important to pull: the groups are big and consists of one or more healers! Note that there is a path with more mobs above the roofs about the middle of the map: you can enter it from the south or from the north. The Warrior boss was very easy, just use Pain Invert:). Tip: take Minion Master to protect your party from the big groups of Jade Brotherhoods, Am Fahs and Rinkal Monitors.

Xaquang Skyway[edit]




Drazach Thicket[edit]




Melandru's Hope[edit]


Morostav Trail[edit]


Mourning Veil Falls[edit]


The Eternal Grove[edit]



I did this with some guildies, myself with Pain Inverter and Mind Blast. I first thought it was very hard, but it wasn't. Start from the Jade Flats and go straight to the Ritualist boss. You can split his party so do that! The Ritualist boss isn't very hard. Then go for the Elementalist boss (Pain Inverter works really well on him). The rest of the area was very easy, but there was a long fight with the Monk boss with the elite skill Healing Light. Tip: Start from the Jade Flats and kill the Ritualist and Elementalist boss first.

Boreas Seabed[edit]


Maishang Hills[edit]

I did this area with almost the same guildies and me with the same skill-setup I used to vanquish Archipelagos. We started from Gyala Hatchery and saw a problem: the Kappa's. They wiped half our party. After the ressurection we went to the Necromancer boss (easy!) and the Assassin boss (easy!) and the Elementalist boss (use Pain Inverter on him = easy!). I didn't even know we already killed the Ranger boss so I asked if we can go to kill the Ranger boss first (I had trouble with him last time) hehe. Tip: Take Pain Inverter for the Elementalist boss.

Mount Qinkai[edit]

Easy. I equipped myself with Pain Inverter and Mind Blast and took Sab's build with some monk hencies, interrupter and the fire Elementalist. Everything went fine, only the east part was a bit hard because the Naga's. Not a lot to tell about this area. Tip: You can sometimes hide behind the hills for the yeti's stones.

Gyala Hatchery[edit]

Easy area with only one kill at the Elementalist boss (the Yeti). The Ele boss with Chuning Earth can HURT you!! Take Pain Inverter with you for a very easy kill. Also, the Assassin boss in the east part wasn't a pushover, but again with Pain Inverter he's easy. Patrols are walking through each other so be careful for that. I equipped my general Fire build (Savannah Heat) and took 2x Livia and Talkorah as Protection monk. Tip: Take Pain Inverter, it really helpes at serveral bosses. ps: here are a lot of bosses, so good luck on your green drops!!:)

Rhea's Crater[edit]


Silent Surf[edit]


Unwaking Waters[edit]