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Thomas Jefferson, one of several forerunners of Wikiism...

The Wikiist (pronounced wiki-ist) is a new profession that can only be found on this wiki. The Wikiist is a master of editing, contributing to, and referring people to the wiki.


Article Creation (Primary)[edit]

Only Wikiist primaries have the ability to create articles from scratch. This brings a whole new array of powers to them, and allows them to use all of their other attributes to increase the flat-out awesomeness of their articles.

Image Uploading[edit]

Image Uploading has everything to do with aesthetic matters on the wiki.

Article Editing[edit]

Wikiists can also edit others' articles to correct them as they see fit, to add something of their own, or to be evil and vandalize it.


Wikiists can lead by example, and by having control over the wiki, many Guild Wars players will turn to said wiki. In this way, Wikiists play a large part on the influence of others' decisions.

Common usage[edit]


Wikiists are able to simply create wiki links to other locations, thus allowing them to teleport there at will. They can then ferry other players with them.


Secondary professions[edit]

What makes Wikiists unique from the other professions is that they can NOT have a secondary profession, due to them being extremely overpowered already.

Special Conditions[edit]

There are various extremely severe conditions that can only affect wikiists. They are: