User talk:Gaile Gray/Questions concerning Guild Wars in China
The original discussion my talk page grew very large, with letters and translations, so I felt it would be most productive to hold this discussion on a separate page. Please post here with your additional comments and questions. Thank you. --Gaile 18:34, 15 September 2007 (UTC)
Guildwars chinese players[edit]
- → moved from User talk:Gaile Gray
Dear sir/game manager: Here from china,let me introuduce myself first,i am one of the chinese' GW(guild wasrs) players,my name is bright_luo
As a chinese GW player, we don't know anything about Arena and the chinese agent: the 9citys' relationship. But we hope we have rights to know something about game's update information.
But why can one of the best world wide game on china be a rubbish game? Why a one of the best game in china only have few people playing, even most of people don't know what GW is !
Why can a world famous company(the9city) break its promise whitout any scruple?
And the most facetion thing is that under the9city's eyes we china mainland won't belongs to the earth!
Now,let me explain these things,ignore the testing time,GW open to the public on march of this year, it use to be more than 150lines on askl,and more than 30lines on random area,but now ,but now all the area only have one line and most of the area have no player in that map. The Innuendo thing is that in chinese's GW there are only 5~6 team playing GvG now. why so many player left GW or change to other country's server?
When the game first face the public,the9city promise they won't delete any player's data,but it shut down the china-cnc area whitout any compellent reason on july!i think it's a world joke to whom already a NASDOQ conpany!Here a links(this)
On 31/8 the Guild Wars expansion Eye of the North already open to the world, but in china we can't get any news and massage about the expansion, Even the china gw official website( doesn't renew the massage for a long time. As a Gw player we all very angry about that. We don't know the main reason about why the expansion can't open in china but at least we have right to know it's that open or not.Maybe chinese mainland doesn't include in the earth i guess!
"" the official website havn't updata for more than three months,and the gw translate team is disband!
Almost no netbar(the place where there are hundreds people playing the games) you can see the GW advertisement(the situation of china is that a mmorpg want to be fashion and prosperous,the agent must take many time and money on netwar)
There is a big problem in chinese GW. If a new player want to play GW in netcafe or at home, when they down load the game and after setup, they can't join into the server, it always has "mistake code 058". I just take half and hour to fix this problem for my friend when i write this letter. This is a big reason why so many people left GW
Other bugs i don't tell anymore,but the above ones,who's fail?who is in spite of our mainland palyers emotion?It's funny that the two world famous company can't settle these problem?
whatever happens GW is still the best game on the world,yes the BEST! Chinese players whom play it still stay or had left all said it's at least as good as wow(world of warcraft)
We all prepare our money to pay for GW,most of the chinese GW players are adults and rational, and the most biggest game consumer parts ,we are social elite because of our age(between 20-30) and the internet time!
We think you Arena will give us a good reply,so we organise the players and left their signs and hope you won't disappoint the whole chinese' GW players!
Please expansion Eye of the North please link to the international line please charge the game!
We love this game deeply crazy hardly!Please please please give us the same rights!
Bright_Luo 20070913
作为一个中国GW玩家,我们不关心你们A社跟9城之间的合作关系。但是我们希望能得到关于游戏的一切更新情况 但是为什么一个全球范围的好游戏在中国大陆却是个小众游戏了?为什么作为最好游戏之一的GW在大陆却鲜有玩家,甚至大部分人听都没听说它!?
8月31号,GW的资料片-北方之眼,全球发行,但是不包括中国大陆,那就是说,中国大陆不属于全球(莫非我们都是火星人?)!同时,9城的GW官方网站已经3个多月没有任何更新,GW的汉化组已经解散,如今游戏的实际技能效果跟技能解释有很大出入!我们相当气愤,我们不知道为什么北方之眼不开,但是至少要让我们知道到底会不会开! 在现在的中国网吧中,你几乎看不到任何有关GW的广告(在我们国家,一个MMORPG想获得成功,一定要在网吧有所作为)
Thank you for taking your valuable time to read this letter. We will only take a little bit of your time.
Greetings, we are a group of Mainland China Guild Wars players, who deeply love this game (Guild Wars). But at the moment GW's situation in Mainland China is worrying, and we foresee the tragic result of GW ceasing to operate in Mainland China.
GW, it is a very outstanding game that brought us endless fun and memories. Its world-class operation enabled China's players to experience high-end online games, and we are grateful. GW is very successful compared to other contemporary online games in Mainland China - whether it is the graphics, controls, etc. Mainland China players don't want to give up this valuable gaming experience.
GW in Mainland China was very popular during the test period. Ascalon had more than 100 districts. In PVP, even the arena had over tens of districts at one time. But all this is in the past. As it is now for PVP in Mainland China, guild battles with three 24-person teams would already be considered lively. In instant battles, teams could often not be found. With the passage of time, the9city's committment to GW is failing, and players are leaving and migrating to "Miracle World" and other online games. Also, the9city suddenly closed the Mainland China network region (deletion of data), and this attitude of going back on their word has made players lost all confidence in the operator.
在大陆,网络游戏玩家一直是弱势群体,如同鱼肉一样,仍人宰割,玩家没有力量与代理商那种不公正的待遇做抗衡,真相一直被代理商掩盖着,我们丝毫不知道第九城市迟迟不连通国际服的用意以及难处,也不知道网通区关闭后资料是否仍然存在,同样也不知道未来电信区被关闭后玩家何去何从。北方之眼非全球同步,这让人对于激战2 (GW2)的期待也大大的降低了。在中国有更多的人期待激战那种轻松愉快的游戏方式。
In Mainland China, online game players are in a weak position. Players don't have the power to contest with the operator over unfair treatment, and the truth has been hidden by the operator. We don't know the9city's intentions and difficulties in connecting to international service, whether the data is still there after the network region was closed, or what the players should do after the telecom region was shut down. In China, there are more people still out there anticipating GW's casual and fun playstyle.
The time spent in-game by players is not being protected. All the promises after the public play test turned out to be illusions, and the deleted network regions were not moved to the telecom region. All this has left the players discouraged. This kind of behaviour seemed impossible to happen, but it did happen in Mainland China! Terrible!
对于激战来说,我们带着一些幸运,偶然获得了Blessed by Fate,我们可以把意见反映给贵公司,因为第九城市不在是只手遮天的人物,在他之上拥有着一位更具权威的人。历来大陆玩家投诉中国大陆代理商的种种行为,要求维护自己的权益都被漠视了,难道要让悲剧重演吗?不,不行,现在不做出努力,将来也会发生同样的悲剧,也许未来的我们会更加的无奈!我们不单单是为了自己喜欢的游戏而努力奋斗,同时也是为了未来与我们一样热爱游戏的人们。也许我们现在的力量微不足道,但将来不是,我们相信这份信心将会传递下去。
For GW, we have a bit of luck and are blessed by fate. We can reflect our opinions to your Company, because the9city cannot cover everything up, and there is someone above them. Time after time, when players complain about the behavior of operators in Mainland China and attempt to protect their rights, they were ignored. Do we want history to repeat itself? No, no way, if we don't try now, similar tragedies will just happen again, and we might even be more helpless in the future! We are not just fighting for our favorite game, but also for other upcoming passionate gamers. Our attempts may be feeble now, but it won't be in the future, and we hope this faith will continue.
We urgently hope the following problems can be solved:
Release Eye of the North, connect to *international* normal servers
Preserve player's data, give players their legal rights
Players of deleted network regions be migrated to the telecom region
Guarantee that when Mainland China servers are shut down, they can give a reasonable explanation/solution (migration)
We submit this on behalf of all Mainland China GW players, and apologize for any offenses caused.
Thank you for reading.
20070914 中国大陆激战玩家
Mainland China GW Players
大陆激战将要落没,我们为了这款喜爱的游戏是不是应该做些什么,长久以来,玩家们只能眼睁睁的看着自己心爱的角色被删除,自己喜欢的游戏无理由的关闭,这些都将成为我们的遗憾。 时代不同了,玩家们不应该任人宰割,拿起自己的武器,敲打起自己的键盘,为了维护自己的微薄的利益。我们该做些什么了。
我是尽了我最大的努力了,我连上学期时尚的作业都是做的激战宣传策划。并且把宣传册放在展示台展示的。哎~不知道有米人看。这个游戏概念毕竟有点前卫,有很多人接受不了,如果官方大力宣传,并且玩家之间互助多一点的话,相信玩的人会越来越多的- -! 内测的时候不也有很多人玩吗?
从最初的暗黑破坏神、星际、魔兽、魔兽世界...一直到现在的经典大作激战世界,换来世界所有玩家一个个最高声的喝彩。我已经毫不犹豫的下定决心,你们的游戏将是我一生的选择!但是我却同时要面临着另一个问题,这些游戏全部都由九城代理!这么多年的游戏以来,卡机、掉线、盗号、欺骗玩家...都是九城的家常便饭!这么多年来,我身边所有和我一起兴高采烈的玩游戏的朋友们,全都因为九城的原因,舍弃了自己心爱的游戏,一个个离开了我的身边,离开了九城所代理的游戏。他们跟我说:即使玩低级的游戏,但有一个好代理一样会有好心情;再好的游戏,代理不好的话,一直都会痛苦下去,一次次的受到伤害...现在我只有一个人孤独的奋斗下去... 我很早就在关注激战世界了,当我看到相关的游戏介绍,我就决定了激战将是我最喜欢的游戏。我每天都在乞求上帝,千万不要落到九城的手里!我苦于不懂英文,无法告诉你,我心爱的游戏啊,你不要落到恶魔的手中! 可是,很不幸,九城又代理了他,随之而来的卡机,盗号问题便频频出现。更令人难以置信的是,九城居然出尔反尔,关闭了网通线路的服务器!删除了所有玩家的心血,假如说一个盗号者就能让游戏损失高额的网络财产,那么,九城这种关闭服务器的行为又将让游戏损失多少财产呢?又会叫多少游戏迷们心灰意冷呢?难道就这样算了吗?不,决不!我已经无法容忍了,已经暴发极限了!我要大声的呐喊,大声的说出我心中的不满,积压了多少年的怒火啊!
(比如仇恨、色情、背叛),引诱玩家持续在游戏里投入巨量的金钱,或者将练级的难度提高到您想象不到的难度,迫使玩家没天没夜的逗留在游戏。甚至有些游戏(比如征途)公开宣称这是一款有钱人的游戏,比的就是谁的钱多。而GW,完全不同。(PVE和PVP的心得体会,还是那些PVE和PVP牛人来写吧) GW很优秀,但在中国的前景很暗淡。也许。。。。。。。您们会说,别担心,08年会有GW2,小伙子们要
向9C宣战,我们需要游戏的权利 签名:fuyuen0396
我们一直在期待 连通国际的那天到来
绝对支持...激战是我认为最优秀的竞技OL 游戏之一 但 遭遇如此境地 9C有不可推卸责任 !! 作为网通玩家之一 对9C 这种行为感到无比愤怒 ... 签名:铭记
From the original Diablo God, Star, Warcraft, World of Warcraft ... Until now merely a classic fighting world, the world of all players earn a maximum of Voice of cheers. I have no hesitation in determination, your game will be the choice of my life!
But I also have to face another problem. All of these games are The9 Acting! The game has been so many years, card machines, dropped calls, Men, deception The9 players ... are the order of the day! All these years, all my side and I play games with jubilation friends, The9 because all the reasons for abandoning his beloved game, one of my left side, left The9 Acting game. They said to me: Even junior playing the game, but a good agent will be as good mood; No matter how good of the game, not the agent, has been suffering will continue to be hurt again ... Now I only have one person on the lonely struggle ...
I am already concerned about fighting in the world, When I introduced the game to see the relevant decision of the fighting, I will be my favorite game. Everyday I begged God, do not reach the hands of the Week! I do not suffer from English, can not tell you, Do not fall in the hands of a demon!
But, unfortunately, The9 also his agent, The attendant card, the problem appeared frequently Men. What is even more incredible is that,The9 even inconsistencies, closed circuit Netcom server! Delete all the players efforts, If Men who can let a game high network loss of property, Well, The9 such acts will shut down the servers loss of property and how much the game? Asked how many fans will be disheartened? Is it just this way? No, never! I have no tolerance, the outbreak has limits! I want to cry loud, loud voice my dissatisfaction with the hearts, For many years, the backlog anger ah!
Due to the delay in opening the international fighting suits, The9 no heart operations and other reasons, resulting in the loss of fighting gamers, The whole world is now fighting Few people, Teams and GVG has long empty. Now the battle has been on the verge of facing decline.
Our beloved life to the game, To our dissatisfaction with the agent, I would like to tell my beloved game, To tell you a little voice of the players, I hope you can hear me, We save it, save our life game!
weillz,Bright_Luo ,小曲,Го,Ruby龙,xxlxqxx,九艺l小馨,水镜渺渺,哈维尔萨,内蒂,hutaojiazilq,冰河骨头,小滴儿,乖乖妖妖,寂寞,喀布齐咯,轨轨,九晗,谥魅,芥子,佛手柚,靥惑荭莲,泠梵音,及笄,心剑神尼,mini千叶,Shinobi妃花,清清,supper急速侠,为而战,弃刀,Kissyou娜,奔放(瘦瘦的小羊),小羽一号,ein zhang,pride sky,空de白花恋诗,直竖听风,绮涟馨漪,奔放de瞳瞳喷火哇,觅糖儿,飞鸟,迷惑非迷非惑皆错,dongyejing00,勋爵,亚洲第一快手,风骚爵,赤红曼陀罗,Oo猫oo,AmosTimeless,ME太阳你,舍得一身剐,冲动小子,戏魔师占星,你的玄机,你的情,露卡西,国国,小羽N号,致命卡卡卡,瑷儿,阿尼马格斯,种族歧视,淡绿de茶,可曾记得我,白羽圣天使,月亮的祈祷,神唤肾亏,月之祈光,Kitty Hello,冬瓜炖排骨,进进,Nicez麦子,漠神,战承,新亭挥泪客,暗号,NAs,Pride风之羽翼公会,媳妇,单身贵族公会,名烟公会,超级女生公会,激速狂飙公会,Single Nobility公会,蓝涩番茄,双魂,台风伊凡,贞子爸爸,水天蓝一,刀舞哲,山海岚,偶象,以圣子之名,引领潮流,潘多拉BOX,Yaoyaoba恶少,Assassin影舞,各种海,吃麻老,挚爱美味,Guldin Wind,Pride Pig,幻想的神秘,风行傲,木薯天天,最终职业,帝VS王,钢筋混凝土,第一势力de总裁,随心所欲V云,天堂O平民,爱吃女孩的小蘑菇,呆猪阿三,饿好似,放猫猫的猪,珈蓝探花,莎士比亚oo,风暴号角,坚持,秦秦,魔影,无名,13,樱影,等闲,勋爵,快活,占星,伯爵,文文,依莲娜,恶灵飘飘,Bleeding Girls,WO日啊,丛林之,极品流氓,打呵欠的宝宝,偶尔很低调,东爷
Greek Warriors,Kris Chang ,裁决之眼,孤独君子,Kendall Bernstein,SinkMoon ,小埃,澹然一笑,太子光,Ele阿修兰,清清,一股烟,X二号,勇者水水,贪婪的而,奔三的心,白小白,AV高树玛丽亚,魔戒,义乌V黑哥,沉默闪光,Ice系列,Macy Fulone,依哈贝亚,亡者归来,一个石头,神殿侍卫,only,孙涛,风吟雪,小子战,红色o羔羊,超级死者代言人,踏雪留痕灬 ,chinavenger ,Nicez草莓,勇者飞飞,我新手表杀我,火舞耀扬刃
tszkin (SkyPe)
多玩论坛( edithzara
大陆激战官方论坛( 元氣爆發,厶狼神威
jc123_45 - Eylin (MSN)
xinning0125 - 宁静边缘 (MSN)
guildwarsguru( Frostlight
--Weillz 04:23, 24 September 2007 (UTC)
I really hope you wrote the above in perfect chinese and then translated trough some automated process, any ways, you are complaining about your local games distributer "The9" and most of your troubles comes from them, time to go become a monk and in a 30 years time you might kick their asses in a swift and graceful manner =D.
:First of all: Go to only Official Site ( or wiki ( for News and/or Announcements about something.
- Second Characters are global, no geographical differences and/or servers are there anymore, want more players? go to European districts.
- Third Error number 058 is due to either 1. - Firewall, Antivirus - easy to fix alow GW access and or open few ports (TCP 6112, 80) or 2. ISP blocking content - call them and express deep devotion and love.
Fourth You only need to get activation code to play the game, when its patched and ready its playable world wide, no Asian country is discriminated there, buy it trough net or in official store.After reading the "added content" I no longer stand by my previous reply =P Biz 09:03, 14 September 2007 (UTC)
Delete this message >.> --The preceding unsigned comment was added by User: .
- Do Not' delete this message. This community is having what it considers a major issue. They are appealing to the Community Relations contact. Appropriate.
- If they feel let down in some way by the local distributor then let them voice it.
- I can only agree with the above, sound advice.
- Gaile , I'm sure you guys knew what issues faced you going into China and are ready to address issues as they emerge.
- For anyone picking a language nit shame on you - be ready for my edits as I show no mercy. :-P - Thulsey - talk 10:07, 14 September 2007 (UTC)
- Ignore Biz because he clearly doesn't realize that GW in china is completely different than GW anywhere else. China GW players are on a closed circut etc. they have thier own segregated servers and very little interaction with the "world" of GW. The9 control everything about GW in china and it appears as if it is dropping the ball on supporting the game over there. I really think the CR team should respond to this...if not Anet then NcSoft.--Coridan 11:22, 14 September 2007 (UTC)
- * cough * what stops them from getting "normal version" of Gw ? =) Biz 12:05, 14 September 2007 (UTC)
- Living in China, I assume? Rules, regulations etc differs alot in China compared to, say, the US. They can't just get the "normal version", since it's not allowed there, probably. - anja 12:21, 14 September 2007 (UTC)
- * cough * what stops them from getting "normal version" of Gw ? =) Biz 12:05, 14 September 2007 (UTC)
- Ignore Biz because he clearly doesn't realize that GW in china is completely different than GW anywhere else. China GW players are on a closed circut etc. they have thier own segregated servers and very little interaction with the "world" of GW. The9 control everything about GW in china and it appears as if it is dropping the ball on supporting the game over there. I really think the CR team should respond to this...if not Anet then NcSoft.--Coridan 11:22, 14 September 2007 (UTC)
- Without getting into anything more about China's policies, this sums it up. -elviondale (tahlk) 13:32, 14 September 2007 (UTC)
- Link to Guru thread with original chinese in it (and some translations) -Immortius 14:52, 14 September 2007 (UTC)
- The Great Firewall is probably one reason they can't play the normal version of the game. --Lemming 19:03, 14 September 2007 (UTC)
- The9 list GW as the last word in their description on, and they dont even have it listed in their products... only wow thingies in there... you guys should just undo their licence as they dont care about gw, they deleted player data and shut down their servers, they are only advertising wow.. monthly fees = more cash for them-- 20:48, 14 September 2007 (UTC)
- What?! We must crush the WoW lovers, see them driven before us, and hear the lamentation of their women. Biz 21:11, 14 September 2007 (UTC)
- The9 list GW as the last word in their description on, and they dont even have it listed in their products... only wow thingies in there... you guys should just undo their licence as they dont care about gw, they deleted player data and shut down their servers, they are only advertising wow.. monthly fees = more cash for them-- 20:48, 14 September 2007 (UTC)
- The Great Firewall is probably one reason they can't play the normal version of the game. --Lemming 19:03, 14 September 2007 (UTC)
- Link to Guru thread with original chinese in it (and some translations) -Immortius 14:52, 14 September 2007 (UTC)
- Without getting into anything more about China's policies, this sums it up. -elviondale (tahlk) 13:32, 14 September 2007 (UTC)
(Reset indent) Hello. I confess that I do not know the answers to these questions or concerns. I am surprised to read some of the details, and I think that we may have some misinformation and a few misunderstandings in this. However, I really cannot provide any information on this right now. I have forwarded the entire forum thread to specific people at ArenaNet, and I will post if I get any information on this matter. --Gaile 23:32, 14 September 2007 (UTC)
- thank you,my email : ,Certainly can also leave a message in the customer page user:weillz.
--User:weillz 01:44, 15 September 2007 (UTC)
- I read that you are going to send an official business email to ArenaNet. I suggest you also send a copy to NCsoft, because I don't think ArenaNet can do much about it. Lightblade 09:04, 15 September 2007 (UTC)
- Out of curiosity, does anyone else know anything about the Chinese version of Guild Wars? One small fact I happen to have picked up is some of China's laws, one of them being a law against graphics of human skeletons. Does the Chinese Guild Wars have any skeletons in it? I know in Magic: the Gathering, a few cards are released in China with different artwork then normal, because of this (this particularly stunning card is released in China with a different artwork, for example). Could differences like this have something to do with the Chinese version of the game being different from the rest of us, perhaps? -- Ĵĩôřũĵĩ Đēŗāķō.>.cнаt^ 02:24, 15 September 2007 (UTC)
This bright_luo,the lstter's author,it's amazing that you replied and give us hope,i'm sorry about my poor english,please go to here there is a hongkong player re-wrote it and make english people easier to understand thank you very very much!My --Cgwbrightluo 02:48, 15 September 2007 (UTC)Bright_Luo
- I don't think ArenaNet can be directly involved in this. They can, however, contact NCsoft to do something about it. And I think if NCsoft is going to do something about it, they would already did that, months ago. Lightblade 08:59, 15 September 2007 (UTC)
- All have no news up to now. --Weillz 02:30, 18 October 2007 (UTC)
User:Gaile Gray/Questions concerning Guild Wars in China[edit]
Hello.Gaile Can you help me ? My account number only played for 8 hours to lock, anybody knew that this played in for 24 hours not to be able to trade, but GM actually stopped my account number by this reason, moreover did not give me any evidence and the appeal opportunity.
account blocked by mistake
Discussion Thread Response (GM Cykor) 11/12/2008 08:02 PM
Hello again,
As previously stated, due to the violations committed by this account, it will remain closed. We will not accept appeals in cases such as this because of the depth of the analysis prior to the block. We believe we have adequately explained the reasoning behind this account closure and any further correspondence regarding this issue will be closed without response.
GM Cykor The Guild Wars Support Team
Customer (cunshen zuo) 11/12/2008 07:58 PM
Hello, I thought that I have the right to know, is I plays the CDK question? I in game's behavior question?
Response (GM Cykor) 11/12/2008 07:33 PM
Due to the violations committed by this account, it will remain closed. We will not accept appeals in cases such as this because of the depth of the analysis prior to the block. We regret the necessity of terminating any game account, but we will continue to take all necessary actions to protect the Guild Wars community and to assure that players are abiding by our User Agreement.
Please keep in mind that Guild Wars is a global game with hundreds of thousands of players. This means that standards of behavior must be upheld. For your convenience, you can obtain more information about our rules at the addresses listed below. - User Agreement: - Rules of Conduct: - Conduct Breaches & Outcomes:
GM Cykor The Guild Wars Support Team
Customer (cunshen zuo) 11/12/2008 06:57 PM
Hello, GM Cykor you say "Your account was permanently closed because you engaged in or assisted the sale of in-game items for cash or other items with real world value, or you engaged in gathering items to be sold for cash or other items with real world value. Both actions are against our User Agreement, where Section 7 states, "You may not sell or auction any Guild Wars accounts, characters, items, coin or copyrighted material, nor may you assist others in doing so."
I thought that your there has certainly the record, asked you to tell me, who me and trades? What has traded? I have purchased your CDK, should enjoy to yours service, do not reply me by the official tone, asks you to investigate my account number carefully once more, for me satisfactory answer.Thanks.
Response (GM Cykor) 11/12/2008 03:56 PM
Your account was permanently closed because you engaged in or assisted the sale of in-game items for cash or other items with real world value, or you engaged in gathering items to be sold for cash or other items with real world value. Both actions are against our User Agreement, where Section 7 states, "You may not sell or auction any Guild Wars accounts, characters, items, coin or copyrighted material, nor may you assist others in doing so."
Protests regarding the termination of your Guild Wars game account will not be addressed or entertained. We will not accept appeals in cases such as this because of the depth of the analysis prior to the block. We regret the necessity of terminating any game account, but we will continue to take all necessary actions to protect the Guild Wars community and to assure that players are abiding by our User Agreement.
Please keep in mind that Guild Wars is a global game with hundreds of thousands of players. This means that standards of behavior must be upheld. For your convenience, you can obtain more information about our rules at the addresses listed below.
- User Agreement: - Rules of Conduct: - Conduct Breaches & Outcomes:
GM Cykor The Guild Wars Support Team
Response (Evan) 11/11/2008 01:20 AM
Thank you for contacting the Guild Wars Support Team.
I am escalating your ticket to our Guild Wars senior staff members to assist you further. Once they have reviewed your question, one of them will contact you shortly.
Regards, GM Evan The Guild Wars Support Team
Customer (cunshen zuo) 11/11/2008 01:12 AM
Hello, Dear GM My guild wars account has been blocked for an account issue, Asks you to verify my account , i love this game. Please help me, Thanks.