About Me:
- More about me: Where to start? I've been a hardcore gamer since I was as young as I can remember. Starting with games on the Atari 2600 (the original, not the flashback II, you little whippersnapper you ;-P) and an Apple IIc computer, gaming has been a big part of my life. I'm currently working in a hybrid Software Developer/GUI & Web Design/Network Administrator role for a large company. Crazy huh? I wear almost as many hats in real life as I do in the game!
- Guild Wars & me: I've been a Guild Wars player since the beginning of summer 2005. I'd resisted the entire MMO scene to date because of the inherent monthly fee associated with them. Guild Wars was a revolutionary concept to me: a beautiful, immersive MMO environment, and yet free to play! I figured I didn't have anything to lose by trying it. From day one I was hooked on the amazing score, the beautiful graphics, and the attention to detail of the storyline. The gameplay was detailed and complex, and the combat simple but robust. The rest, as they say, is history, and I have enjoyed every moment of the well over fourteen hundred hours I've spent in the Guild Wars world.
- Hanging out with Anet: I had the pleasure of meeting Gaile in person at the 2007 Penny Arcade Expo, and spent an afternoon chatting with her (thank you for giving us so much of your time!) and other members of the Anet staff about Guild Wars, Guild Wars 2, and the gaming industry in general. A friendlier and knowledgeable person you couldn't hope to meet, and I couldn't think of a cooler way for a gamer and fan of Guild Wars to spend a day than talking with the members of the GW team. I hope that I didn't geek out as much as I think I did just meeting them!
- Superfans! A guild mate and I were both fortunate enough to be winners in the Guild Wars Superfan contest at PAX 2007. Attending the party and meeting Izzy, Katy, James and others was the highlight of my visit to Seattle!
- Sucker for a great story: Growing up, my parents read to me often. Like so many children, I'd close my eyes and visualize the stories, my imagination creating pictures that have stayed with me throughout my life. Stories written by the likes of Tolkien, Asimov, and Lewis captivate my imagination because of their pervasive creativity and description. The lore throughout the Guild Wars games, from the manuscripts to the dialog with NPCs along the way weaves a tapestry of stories, the likes of which I have seldom seen in any media outside of books. The attention to details at every turn, tying characters together, linking events, little hints of what is to come, make Guild Wars what it is to me - not just a game, but a rich, living experience.
- This layout was based on the layouts of Gaile & Andrew (thanks!)
Waterfall in Sorrow's Furnace
My Characters:
Terrance - Ranger was really my first love in Guild wars, and remains my favorite class. I charmed a Melandru's Stalker (who didn't?) in pre, and I've never had the heart to get rid of him for a new pet. The new polar bears in GW:EN have me awfully close though! For versatility of playstyle, pets, and so many awesome bows, nothing beats a Ranger.
Erica - Second character, created when it dawned on me, "Hey! I can roll another character!" I absolutely love the Mesmer skillset, one of my very favorites in the game. As a class I prefer Ranger just slightly, but for the skills themselves Mesmer is my favorite. Currently in search of a higher Asuran title so that she can get a couple new armor pieces, and glasses. When I finally get the Chaos gauntlets, I'm pretty sure they'll be hers.
Blaze - My first PvP only character, created as an experiment. I liked him, though I've never done very much with him. He's primarily for storage and the occasional snowball fight.
Seraph - My first foray into Monkdom. I designed Seraph to be a Mo/N from the very start, combining the dark skin, eye color, and expression to come up with a very holy-with-a-dark-streak look. I love how the character turned out. The armor is, as I prefer, a mix of sets that I think look good together. I really enjoy creating unique looks. Interesting trivia, his short-lived predecessor was a similar-looking monk created as a storage character, named Serath. I ended up liking the character so much I re-rolled him in his current form.
Carla - The Ritualist remains a highly polarizing class for both PvE and PvP. The dynamics of the skillset, combined with it being such a mold-breaker after the core set, really drew me in to this class. Carla was one of the quicker rolls I've had, only took me half an hour or so. Rolling is sort of a transcendental experience for me, watching a persona grow from faces and hairstyles and stature; it's as if I'm meeting someone there in front of me. Sometimes I just know when they look "right". Carla was one of those times. Trivia: Carla is the twin sister of her Factions Preview Weekend predecessor Scarlet, who exists on an account with no active keys, so she isn't played. Scarlet is still an (inactive) guild member.
Shenha - I played both Paragon and Dervish during the preview event for Nightfall, and I (along with everybody else) LOVED the elite Forms that the Dervish can take. Shenha is a beautiful woman with a blade, pious and deadly. She's an extremely versatile character, and even though many don't like the D/P combination, I do. Finally bit the bullet and added a Vabbi top to her ensemble, completing the look I had in my mind's eye for her from the start. I may redye it at some point.
Azurea - I was standing around a Xunlai chest in Yohlon Haven one day, and I saw a female Elonian Ele that looked very similar to the way Azurea does now. I was so taken by the beautiful character model, especially the face and eyes, that I had to roll one of my own. She's strictly storage for now, but I'm almost ready to start playing her through the campaigns for real. Wow, did I ever have a hard time choosing her name.
Gina Marie - I often prefer to choose less-used classes as opposed to common ones, just to be different. I finally caved and created a Wammo, originally just to be a storage character. I loved the way she turned out so much that I started playing with her a lot more than I'd intended, plus I finally had a character who could use the hojillion gold weapons I'd picked up along the way. Her name fell right into place, but that's a story for some other time.
Mitheria - Beautiful, refined, mature, and with a name I pulled out of thin air that I think fits her like a black lace glove, she's a storage-only PvP character. Perhaps someday she'll play as well.
Xunlai - An old story really, I was out of storage space, and needed someone to hold the bag. Xunlai was created as a PvP storage-only character, with no plans to play him. Yes, he has a last name. No, it isn't Agent. ^^