User:MionShion/FA Rant

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Fort Aspenwood[edit]

What? A rant about low end PvP? Why, that would never be acceptable by wiki vets! To which I say who cares, low end PvP is riddled with just as many problems as high end PvP in my eye. Yes, this is going to come from a Kurzick point of view...

But Mion, Kurzicks are OP as hell in FA![edit]

Why?! Let me look at my personal win statisics, shall I? 55% win ratio...and thats AFTER the nerf that gave Luxons only 6 minutes to kill Gunther. Let me ask you, which part of Kurzicks are OP? Certainly not the elementalists...they're earth. They die in like 3 seconds. Do you really fear the mesmers? They have no way to deal with melee. Wait...surely you cannot be taling about fearing the dreaded NPC ASSASSIN? (Insert joke about how NPC Assassins REALLY SUCK)

Oh wait, you must mean the Juggernaut. Yes, you fear its mighty level 28-ness. Of course, if Kurzicks have multiple healers, you'll be unlikely to kill it, right? We'll get back to that in a minute.

Luxons are underpowered?! With all this?![edit]

Here's something I hear at the beginning of every match from my Kurzick side. "Run. Amber." Here's a question I address to you. HOW?

As most of you who've played FA know, Luxons spawn back by the commanders for the first half minute or so. Then one probably starts dying. Where do they respawn when they die? Certainly not RIGHT ON TOP OF THE AMBER MINE. Oh yeah, thats TOTALLY fair.

But wait, there's more! Luxons constantly complain how useless their warrior NPCs are. I'm going to say this quite bluntly. Your NPCs have probably the single most retarded NPC elite in the game. Coward forces our monks to stand still, otherwise be knocked down 4 times every 8 seconds for well...forever. <_<

Don't even get me started on the Siege Turtles. Here's a hint at their roles.

  1. MASSIVE MEAT SHIELD FOR HEALERS. - Here's where monks, rits, and sabway morons stand 99% of the match. Right behind the massive abomination. The Turtle takes 24 less damage from...everything. If that doesn't say anything, here. Your melee weapons, bows...everything that is not named critscythe will never deal their base damage. Ever. You're going to have to rely on spells. But no, on top of armor reduction, this also proves MASSIVE SPELL DAMAGE REDUCTION. Here's a hint. Your standard AoE spells that you use to shrine cap? Yeah...unless its name is Savannah Heat, its not going to work. The only way to pierce their defense is...get ready for this...BLOOD NECROS. Thats right. Blood Necros, which FYI after much playtesting, are ENTIRELY USELESS except in groups of 6 or more.
  1. ENCHANTMENT RAPE. - Yes, thats right. Protective Spirit will do you no good. It will just be stripped by a siege turtle attack. By the way, if the other turtle is alive...
    1. MASSIVE DAMAGE. - These things do, to a 60 armor target, roughly 308 damage. Guess what happens when 2 turtles hit you at the same time? You're pretty much assured to not survive.

So anyway back to a previous point. Here are these Luxons constantly whining and *****ing about not being able to kill the Juggernaut. Here's a hint. If you have 7 damage classes and one healer of any sort and you are unable to kill the Juggernaut even if we have multiple healers, then your team is incompetent. Its likewise for the Kurzicks side.

Learning Your Priorities[edit]

First of all, teams of either side should be ganking the opposing NPCs whenever possible. Guess why? They don't respawn. No further damage is better than a player coming back 15 seconds later anyway.

If you can't kill a NPC because a healer is on it, guess what you should be killing? Certainly not the NPC that probably has 3-4 prots on it by that point. As a sidenote, if the healer in question is a N/Rt Sabway BS, you should have all your damage classes on it. There should be no exceptions.

By the way, did you notice that Power Block Mesmer over there? Its probably shutting down a critical position on your team, like monk or elementalist. You should go kill him/her.

Rangers of most kinds are generally low Priority. Unless, of course, they are the kind that are totally broken in low end PvP, in which case they are just below Power Block mesmers.

Elementalists have varying priority. As a general rule, unless it directly affects your ability to kill the enemy. (Which should only be blinding flash/surge and water snares), you can probably ignore it until later

Assassins and Warriors and Paras are on my general LOL tier of priority. Being a completely biased water ele, the former two are going to be snared and not going to reach their target 85% of the time. Paras have a slight range advantage to circumvent that. To that, you may be under a completely broken condition.

Necros once again have varying priority. The only Necros that should be killed immediately are ones that use Spoil Victor and Aura of the Lich. They are, in general, the most dangerous to your Juggernaut.

On another note, Snared targets! If you notice a target moving slower, and its a squishy under 80 base armor class, you should probably go help kill it. Its snared for a reason.

Low Tier Player findings.[edit]

What's this section for, you ask? This will probably include a list of players and parts of their builds that I witness them using. These players should probably be forced to recieve a permenant ban for using builds completely untied to their primary profession. Here's a short example. If you want to use elemental spells, USE A ******* ELEMENTALIST, NOT A WARRIOR. If you want to use 8 Domination spells, Use a MESMER. not a MONK.

Here's a minor hint. If you are on Kurzick side, it is in your best interest to NOT use Air of Enchantment. Not only is it in general a REALLY BAD SKILL FOR PVP, but EVERYTHING you enchant your target with will probably be stripped by the turtles 15 seconds later anyway. <_<