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Our logic is infallible: According to the greatest scholars in the Lunatic Court, even Grenth can get overwhelmed at times. For us, the logistics of killing hordes of unruly villagers was a big enough headache. I can only imagine the organizational nightmare it must have been for Grenth to categorize all of those souls once they arrived in the Underworld! If you were to go and deliver some truly incendiary words, I'm certain it would rekindle the conflict between King Thorn and Palawa Joko. Depending on your tongue, I'd be willing to bet that the rotting pushover would send wave after wave of his enslaved undead army to engage you in battle. Release enough of their souls, and it should keep Grenth buried in paperwork, unable to notice our king's return to the mortal realm! Our logic is infallible! ~Emissary of King Thorn of Kryta

In game Shivan Amal
Guild Wars Guru User Profile
Assassin-tango-icon-200.png This user likes Assassins.
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This User is a member of the Luxon alliance.
Lightbringertitle.jpg This user is a title hunter
Death Penalty.jpg This user performs better with 15 DP or more.
Backpack.png This user is a packrat with never enough storage space!
User Razah fan.jpg This user is a member of the Razah Fan Club.