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Treasure Chests

Location Dervish Alexa Necromancer Beryl Warrior Gar Paragon Gira Ritualist Indi Dervish Matara Mesmer Perri Elementalist Saph Assassin Sin Monk Paaz Ranger Wyn
Issnur Isles 5993 6286 6285 6284 5977 5904 6288 6289 5989 5989 5609
Mehtani Keys 5993 6286 6285 6284 5977 5904 6288 6289 5989 5989 6206
Arkjok Ward 5993 6286 6285 6284 5977 5904 6288 6289 5989 6289 6206
Bahdok Caverns 5993 - - 6248 5977 - 6287 - - - -
Jahai Bluffs 5993 6286 6285 6284 5977 5904 6288 6289 5989 6289 6206
Forum Highlands 5993 6286 6285 6104 5977 5904 6288 6289 5989 6289 6206
Hidden City 6287 6286 6285 6104 5977 5904 6288 6157 5989 6289 6289
The Mirror of Lyss 5993 6286 6285 6104 5977 5904 6288 6289 5989 6289 5611
The Desolation
The Ruptured Heart 6284 6284 - 6104 5977 5904 6206 - 5989 - 6247
The Sulfurous Wastes 6287 6284 - 6104 5977 5904 6206 - 5989 - 6247
Realm of Torment
Domain of Pain 6284 6284 - 6104 5977 5904 6206 - - - 6247
Nightfallen Jahai 6076 6284 5989 6104 5977 5904 6206 - 5977 - 6247
Notes: {{Datediff|date}}, days since last opening.
All credits for this table goes to

Shamelessly stolen from Anja Astor

My Special Pages


My Templates
User page style 1User page style 2User page style 3User page style 4User page style 5User page style 7User page style 8User page style 9User page style 9 frame
Character style 1Character style 2Character style 2aCharacter style 3Character 4Character style 5Character style 5a
Elite SkillsPvE Only SkillsPvE Only Skills 2
Mission ProgressionVanquish ProgressionHeroesHeroes2
Hall of Monuments Monument of HonorMonument of Valor
Monument of FellowshipResilience Monument
Monument of Devotion
Prophecies Mission Progression (10 professions)Factions Mission Progression (10 professions)
Nightfall Mission Progression (10 professions)Eye of the North Progression (10 professions)
Minipet checklistZaishen Menagerie
Campaign specific Tyrian Mission ProgressionCanthan Mission Progression
Elonian Mission ProgressionEye of the North Progression
Prophecies Vanquish ProgressionFactions Vanquish Progression
Nightfall Vanquish ProgressionEye of the North Vanquish Progression
Guild related Guild hall services
Inventory Templates Canthan FeastSword modsScythe modsAxe modsHammer modsDagger modsBow mods Wand and offhand modsStaff modsSpear modsInscriptions
Others Profession frame