User talk:Raine Valen/Musings/Axe Wars

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Discuss. User Raine R.gif is for Raine, etc. 18:58, 7 May 2010 (UTC)

Tractors go through rice.
"The one and only exception to this is that Primal Rage Warriors don't need this skill slot if they don't intend to cancel Primal Rage, so skills that facilitate Primal Rage's upkeep (like Shield Bash) can find their way here, instead." I remember in the early days of the PRage buff, wars would run Rush and PRage because perma IMS is awesome. Though I am not aware what PRage wars do today. --Riddle 19:02, 7 May 2010 (UTC)
Deep wound can remove a maximum of 100 max life. Manifold User Manifold Jupiter.jpg 19:18, 7 May 2010 (UTC)
Deep Wound + Whatever damage from the strike ~~> 140. --Riddle 19:20, 7 May 2010 (UTC)
(Edit conflict) They stopped cancelling PRage because they couldn't just put it back up immediately thanks to the recharge nerfs. Still perma IMS, just perma double damage too. Also Raine, Coward doesn't let you take an extra attack skill over Bull's, Coward goes over Bull's. If you are "changing" from another axe bar, Whirling went over an attack skill (or took the utility slot) or you replaced Eviscerate with Dismember. Also, Eviscerate/Dismember bar ownzzzzz. Tactics Eviscerate ownzzzzzzzzzz. I'll also point out just briefly that your point misses the point. Auspicious Parry is not for axe warriors, but your point made a point, just don't use that example.
(Edit conflict) @Manifold: +axe damage = 140 (actually I use Eviscerate so ~200). Misery 19:20, 7 May 2010 (UTC)
(Edit conflict) I was editing the possibility that it was referring to bonus damage or basic weapon damage, but it didn't seem that way on my first reading. Manifold User Manifold Jupiter.jpg 19:22, 7 May 2010 (UTC)
Bulls' time slot, not its skill slot. User Raine R.gif is for Raine, etc. 20:11, 7 May 2010 (UTC)
Since prage was made adrenal, a lot of wars have been running energy attack skills. I was running prage + Power Attack and raping faces. I should totally add Power Attack to Type 1. User Raine R.gif is for Raine, etc. 20:15, 7 May 2010 (UTC)

Cute story for you btw, a korean was using Flail on a Dismember bar for a while. He could just reliably land Bull's after every single Flail to get his one pip back so it worked. Misery 09:19, 9 May 2010 (UTC)