Wurm Siege (Eye of the North)
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Spell. Fires a projectile and damages foes in range.
- Concise description
Related skills[edit]
Junundu Siege (elite)
Queen Siege (monster skill)
Charr Siege Attack (monster skill)
Siege Turtle Attack (monster skill)
Wurm Siege (Core) (monster skill)
Wurm Siege (Dunes of Despair) (monster skill)
- This skill is used by Frostmaw the Kinslayer and Frost Siege Wurms.
- This skill can reach across compass range.
- It deals 50 cold damage if it hits its target and 60 cold damage to foes within the area of its impact; the AoE damage decreases with distance, to a minimum of 1 damage at the edge of earshot range.