ArenaNet talk:Guild Wars 2 suggestions/Guild-wide Storage Boxes and Better Skill Trainers

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IDEA: Guild Bank Description: A unique looking storage box (maybe with an npc to explain details about it) where the Guild Leaders can store gold for the guild and other items. In the storage box when it shows contents and stuff there would be a donate gold option where members and visiting players could donate gold to the guild and it would have an option for the Guild leader and Leader selected officers be able put items up for sale at user selected price to members/visiting players and the money goes to the guild. Guild Leaders and leader selected officers/members would be the only ones who could access the gold/items to use for guild purposes. When members open it they see the donate options the amount of gold the guild currently has and the items they could buy that are up for sale. Tog


I have a possible solution to the issue of vultures you raised. Make any item borrowed from the guild storage bank be returned to storage when the borrowing player logs out. To prevent sales by a player other than the owner use the same mechanic as the bonus items associated with special edition game purchases, except instead of a “customized for” tag it would be “owned by” and the player’s name that deposited the item. Original owners would be able to withdraw the item at any time.Wiz900 07:21, 5 July 2008 (UTC)wiz900

solution to leechers

If only certain people in the guild had access to the storage people couldn't steal stuff. It could work sort of how it works now with inviting/kicking/promoting/demoting people. The guild leader could choose people who were allowed to use the guild storage. The guild lord could also grant permission to specific people that he/she trusts so that those specific people can also grant access to the guild storage.

It could work. Perhaps the GL could set up a specific amount of time you need to be in the guild to access the locker? 01:01, 2 November 2008 (UTC)

IDEA Extended Guild Hall Storage Box

In GH today there is a storage box that is similar to the one that a player can access in any town from the game. The Guild Hall Storage box should be difffrent - "extended storage". It must have two main storage compatrments. One compartment for the player and one for general use. Players can store more items than those that can be accesible in towns in "personal compartment". In "general use compartment" the player can put items that he wants to sell. There, he can also put a price for which he wants to sell that item. This "general use compartment" should be accesible to all players who are in guilds so they can buy it from there. This would be an alternative for "selling anouncements" or "NPC merchants". In this "general use compartment, items should be organized on "stacking" (even if items are "non-staking") and "categories" (expl. Weapons, materials, Dyes, Slavageble, etc. and one the weapons category should be swords, axes, staffs, wands, shields) One big problem will be the memory space on server to store all items that players want to sell. One solutions is that the item stored there will be automaticaly sold to mercants if it is not sold in 24H. In every case, the player gets the money automaticaly stored in his "personal compartment" (G-Man)

Perhaps a locking system could be used, where as the storage is split into sections, for instance "weapons", "party items" and "materials". Then the guild leader would be able to lock any of the sections from being taken from so they could be saved for future giveaways, guild sales or parties. Freddy-voorhees 20:09, 3 February 2009 (UTC)