Feedback talk:User/Borotvaltgandalf/Shadow Form - no invincibility

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This, combined with critical agility gives both 33% IAS and IMS, +24 armor and 33% damage reduction. --Boro 10px‎ 11:12, 20 September 2009 (UTC)

I'm against changing a farming build when it's as ingrained as it is in guild wars. Make a game where farming isn't necessary to get stuff and I'll say yes. Additionally, people will replace tank bars involving this skill with one of several other invinci builds. Explain why you want Shadow Form gone and the desired effect of it's absence. If you think the game economy will magically turn around the next few months after being implemented, sorry it won't happen. There are too many other factors that won't or can't be dealt with. ~>Sins WDBUser The Sins We Die By Sig.png 14:19, 21 September 2009 (UTC)
I don't think the issue is about farming in general, it's about power. Farming builds are prone to weaknesses and limitations. Shadow Form builds come in varieties with virtually no weaknesses or limitations. You can't make a game that's farm-proof, but you can set boundaries as to what is clearly too powerful. The only thing stopping a nerf is questioning just how to go about it without breaking it completely. Xiaquin 03:34, 22 September 2009 (UTC)
It needs to be balanced. This version I suppose is still very powerful, but its more useful in a balanced build. --Boro 10px‎ 17:04, 22 September 2009 (UTC)
I don't think anyone in the world is qualified to say what is balanced in a Player vs AI situation. Every rpg style game I've ever seen has always been about exploiting things AI is weak against. So to talk about balanced builds in PvE is something I wouldn't even get into. If you were to talk about difficulty in regard to PvE that's something different and can be quantified in my mind. ~>Sins WDBUser The Sins We Die By Sig.png 18:25, 22 September 2009 (UTC)
OP but as PvE containts this much OP shit you won't rly feel it THAT much.Good suggestion,Finally some people thinking in the complete revamp way instead of the less immunity or different immunity Lilondra User Lilondra Sig.jpg*poke* 05:37, 23 September 2009 (UTC)
Basically that's what I wanted to make. A non-tanking skill which is useful in multiple scenarios. --Boro 10px‎ 12:01, 25 September 2009 (UTC)
The problem, as Regina stated, is that they want to keep certains uses of SF. Tanking, as an exemple. Instead of removing the possibilities of this skill, just reduce or remove completly the damage ; that would not only be more lore friendly (shadow...), but fix all these problems with speed clears. But I suppose that anet as already thought to that. Now the question is: wth are they doing. --Frozen 11:45, 20 October 2009 (UTC)
Solo farm builds are why they haven't done that, I'd guess.~>Sins WDBUser The Sins We Die By Sig.png 15:39, 20 October 2009 (UTC)
Assassin is not a fucking tanking class. Guess why they have light armor. --Boro 10px‎ 15:42, 22 October 2009 (UTC)
We really can't establish what the class is bcs the devs have never done so. If they aren't a tanking class though they sure have a lot of tanking skills: shadow form, critical agility, shroud of distress, flashing blades, critical defenses, shadow sanctuary, and feigned neutrality. ~>Sins WDBUser The Sins We Die By Sig.png 19:35, 22 October 2009 (UTC)
there are different styles of tanking - warrior is the passive high armor tank, ranger is the stance/spell damage tank, dervish is the buff's/self heal tank, assassin is the evasion tank -Talamare- feedback 19:57, 22 October 2009 (UTC)
Well... there is no evasion in aggroing everything in radar range and using sliver armor to chop them into pieces --Boro 10px‎ 21:47, 22 October 2009 (UTC)
When their in shadow form - are they taking any hits or are they all missing because their evading them... look I agree that SF needs to be nerfed to hell but really, shadow form does what their suppose to do (evasion tanking) -Talamare- feedback 22:04, 22 October 2009 (UTC)
Khm. But reworking it is like: "oh we took one skill for you, but we've made another one to compensate". It's not taking anything away from the players. Except the IDDQD code. -Boro 10px‎ 07:12, 23 October 2009 (UTC)

I agree with the idea of SF being an evasion tanking because sins would have very fast reflexes, but come on : how do you evade AoE spells or hexes without even changing place ? And all physical attack against you miss is very unfair : It's like if warriors would have a maintenable stance which would reduce damage by 200. Capping SF to 75% chance to block would be more appropriate imho. all spells against you miss on the opposite is not unfair cause we have already SB, etc... M3G User M3G Pumpkin.png 07:27, 23 October 2009 (UTC)