Feedback talk:User/Fanmad/Merchenary System for GW2

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Your suggestion raises the question of why there are no heroes/henchmen in GW2.

Heroes were the crown jewels of GW1, a user-customizable feature that the devs in other games must have looked upon in total envy. Why they have been eliminated for GW2 is beyond my comprehension. Forcing people to either play with other human players or else to play totally alone, with no option of playing at your own pace alongside AI sidekicks, has to be the worst design decision ever, after the huge success of heroes in GW1. Talk of throwing away the baby with the bathwater. It's the opposite of giving players more options.

It's especially bad for accessibility, since not everyone can play at the speed of fully abled players. Heroes have the infinite patience to adapt to the player's own pace or special needs. Or simply to wait for the player when the cooker beeps for attention from the kitchen.

While your suggestion attempts to overcome ArenaNet's failure to provide AI sidekicks, it's not the best approach. For a start, a character needs AI sidekicks throughout the whole game, not just at the end, so gaining them every 20 levels is really unhelpful. It's reminiscent of gaining Razah only after having completed the Nightfall storyline, which was a pretty poor design decision --- he could have been very useful to players earlier in the campaign.

In general though, I support your call for customizable AI sidekicks, be they mercenaries, henchmen, or whatever they are called for the new game. Without them, this aspect of GW2 is going to be a regression versus GW1. A severe regression. Morgaine 14:57, 12 February 2012 (UTC)