Feedback talk:User/Kakarot/Improved Cartographer tracking

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Judging from the overlap issue and my best understanding of how that mod works, the current system is based off of an alpha channel to a single image file. For an area to area method, they would probably need to divide up exploration maps' compared image file into a series of image files, which would likely increase some file/data sizes, and it might make more sense at that point to handle the whole system similar to the vanquishing title's map to map separation. So rather than a single % of continent explored, it would become # of # areas on continent fully explored. Personally, I'd be happy with a grandmaster cartographer npc who could just point out which map to go to, but it would be reliant on an image file comparison sub-program which would likely bog down RAM needlessly. Short-version: such changes constitute a major overhaul of the software's current functionality and would require resetting everyone's exploration progress, not just the title track, but also everyone's map data. Best to add this to a wish list for Guild Wars 2 if they're going to have an exploration system. Seryu 22:37, 10 September 2009 (UTC)

While I kinda like this Suggestion (and would prefer Sol. 1&2), Seryu has a valid point in that there are some problems with implementing it since currently its just the whole map that counts and its larger than 100%. Dividing it into each area would be tricky and likely require a huge amount of coding for a rather small benefit. --SilentStorm Talk to me 22:48, 10 September 2009 (UTC)
Very good idea! If would be any kind of good solution, I would make this title with more of my characters then.Ladislau 09:30, 18 September 2009 (UTC)Ladislau
Sorry about the lateness of this response, have been a bit less active on the wiki lately. Anyway I have added a further solution based on your suggestion Seryu, hope you don't mind :) --Kakarot Talk 22:25, 18 September 2009 (UTC)

Great idea. Carto is okay until you get to the last 5%, and then scraping walls becomes a chore. IMO the best solution though would be to incorporate something like the Texmod hack into the game, which simply highlights reachable areas on the map. That alone turns the carto title from an exercise in frustration into something more enjoyable (or it did, for me). To keep this from turning the title into a triviality, maybe showing reachable areas would be something that is only unlocked once you hit a threshold on percentage of the map uncovered -- say 90-95%. -- Hong 04:57, 19 September 2009 (UTC)

The biggest problem is that there's so many "magic spots" and also so much lag during weekends/events. If someone could just make a full out Wiki guide showing every single magic-spot in the game, users wouldn't need to use texmod (like I had to *grumble*) --ilrUser ilr deprav.png 09:19, 7 November 2009 (UTC)
After taking the time to test out TexMod firsthand I've managed to better understand what's causing the issues. The explorable map texture is an extension of the playable map space (take the character's range of visibility and add it in all directions to the extents of any space on a map that can be moved to). The easiest solution to the problem would be to just change the exploration map to be the same as the playable map's thereby eliminating having to drag each character into every single nook and cranny or resort to third party softwares; chances are that even if a player doesn't go to every pixel of the map, they're bound to 'see' it in the span of vanquishing and regular exploration. But one thing is for certain, exploration simply is not fun as it is, and having to resort to outside programs in order to pursue it is risky at best and a serious security threat at worst. Even if this means having to reset every player's explorable map, it's at least a chance to make cartographer reasonable and maybe even fun. Seryu 00:26, 22 January 2010 (UTC)