Guild:Kittens With Claws/Kiof Nikitovin

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Kiof Nikitovin [Purr]
Guild Kittens With Claws Kiof.jpg
Main Character Male Warrior


In the early 25th century…

Personal log, stardate 88411.63, Rear Admiral Enigma Zireaux commanding officer Federation Starship USS Frydryck recording.

It’s been a long campaign against the Borg, Klingons, Romulans and other Alpha Quadrant races, and the crew of the Frydryck has earned some much needed R&R. We are currently in orbit around the resort planet Risa and shore leave parties are being rotated. I am using some of my off-duty time to continue one of my favorite holodeck pursuits.

I have been exploring what 21st century humans called an MMORPG. That stands for a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. More specifically the game I have chosen was called Guilds & Dragons or Dungeons & Wars or something. The name has been lost to history. I will call it Guild Wars for the sake of simplicity. I have assumed to persona of a character in a magic based fantasy setting somewhat resembling ancient medieval times on Earth. I have explored the game thru various personas, most often as Kiof Nikitovin: named after a legendary starship commander.

In order for my character to seamlessly integrate into the game world environment I had to create a history for him. Young Kiof was always getting into trouble; he was fond of wandering off at whatever happened to catch his eye in the distance. This caused no end of problems for his family and friends who frequently had to extricate him from one situation after another. During Kiof's frequent confinements to his home and yard he developed an interest, altho not a talent, for tinkering. He was able to disassemble many things to see what made them work. He was less successful in returning them to their original condition, let alone improved, which was his goal.

One afternoon he was walking through the village and spotted a horse drawn wagon in town. It was the largest wagon he had ever seen. It must have belonged to someone very important! As young Kiof was “inspecting” the bottom of the carriage, one of his homemade noise makers went off unexpectedly in his pocket. This spooked the horses and they ran off with the carriage right behind them. As they ran off he heard the screaming of a very young girl in the wagon. Eventually the horses broke free of the wagon and were caught. The wagon crashed into a large tree and was almost completely destroyed. Kiof was distraught over the death of the young girl in the wagon and vowed never again to tinker where he shouldn’t. But like many youthful promises this too was eventually forgotten.

As an adventurer Kiof has been far and wide and has had many strange encounters. Perhaps the most strange, but certainly most favorite, was M.O.X.. M.O.X. is a golem that Kiof came across early in his adventuring career. (Those of you who do not know what a golem is think of the android Captain Data of the Starship Enterprise. Of course Data is far, far more advanced). Altho M.O.X. was simple, he was dependable and M.O.X. and Kiof went many places together, each having the other’s back.

Thru the years many of Kiof's non-golem companions commented on M.O.X.'s tendency to run off when it may have been better to remain where he was. One Asura who commented thought there may have been some sort of personality engram copying done by an unknown process. Secretly Kiof thinks it may be his fault. He swears he only peeked inside M.O.X. one time! And only for a second! And didn’t touch anything!

Many years later in the Rip Rock Tavern, Kiof over heard a striking young woman by the name of Taja Calicut recounting a tale from her youth about an out of control horse and buggy and how by the gods she survived. It was her! She didn’t die after all! At that moment Kiof vowed to watch over her. He was soon offered a position within the Kittens With Claws guild. While there was some surprise from a couple of members that it was not Koss the warrior, but Kiof the warrior that the invite went to. Kiof has proven to be a valuable, if somewhat eccentric member of the guild.

While most people have accepted Kiof's wanderlust and tendency to be at places other than where he is supposed to be, they are not so understanding of M.O.X.. When Kiof and M.O.X. are in a party together it can be quite overwhelming. More than once the phrase “M.O.X. has gone Kiofing again!” or “Kiof, quit around!” has been uttered. So in most situations M.O.X. gets left behind, but Kiof is always lobbying to get him in the party, and occasionally succeeds!

Many more adventures await with Kiof and Kittens With Claws!

Personal note: While I have been having a lot of fun with this holo adventure, I think I might want to try something else. I have considered taking this Guild Wars to the next level; perhaps I will call it Guild Wars 2.

Computer end recording, save program and exit.


Kiof is a wanderer. He never knows what lies around the next bend and always wants to check. There are never too many enemies that pulling should ever become necessary!

Personal Philosophy

To boldly go where others fear to tread, and usually by accident.


The next male member in the Guild Kittens With Claws

Other information

E This guild speaks English.
PvE This user enjoys PvE.
R This user is a Ranger.
HA Heroic Adventures.