Talk:Unholy Temples

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The locations of the relics in the area map are incorrect. If nobody posts a correct one, I'll find it in the gw.dat and edit it myself. ~Shard (talk) 06:28, 22 June 2008 (UTC)

I've updated the map with the correct relic locations. ~Shard (talk) 21:33, 8 July 2008 (UTC)


The cinematic states that the flame brazier will burn either blue or red, corresponding to if the team is blue or red..however it states the opposite color that the braziers burn (and that the team is) than actuality. For instance, if you are on the blue team it will state in the cinematic that "if balthazar/grenth is pleased, the braziers will burn red.", and after capturing a relic the Ghostly Hero will state in team chat that the braziers are burning, however they are actually the color blue. The opposite if red team. It's backwards. Someone please verify and note it please. 22:44, 7 August 2020 (UTC)