User:Emily Diehl/Holding tank header

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What's this page all about?

As many of you may have already noticed, my talk page gets out of hand rather quickly. I dislike archiving questions before they are adequately answered, but there are often times when I can't really finish answering a topic until I hear back from someone else. When this happens, the only thing I can do is to let you guys know that I've passed the question along, and then the topic sits.

This doesn't help me keep my page tidy, and it makes it confusing for you guys to know what topics I'm aware of and which ones I've forgotten about (I try not to forget stuff, and I'm pretty good at not, but I'm only human so it happens from time to time...hehe).

I think this section will help with this issue. If there are questions that are waiting on responses from other folks, I'll move them here after I've passed them along the line. That way, you guys will know for sure if I've actually read something, and I'll have a tidier talk page in the process. It will also help me to clearly see topics that have been sitting and waiting for long periods of time so I can follow-up on them again.

Help me keep this page tidy by:

  • Posting new questions on my talk page. This page should be used only for topics that I've already passed along. If you've got follow-up points to an existing topic, though, feel free to add them to the discussion here.
  • Please don't move items on and off of this page for me. Since I'm using this as a methodical way to keep track of things, having stuff pop on and off the page will break my brain and make me (and my team) super sad. User Emily Diehl Blush.gif

Hopefully, this makes things a bit more manageable for me and makes it simpler for you guys to get questions seen and answered faster. Let me know if you have any suggestions on the process as time goes on!

Thanks :)

UserEmilyDiehlStar.gif Emily Diehl (talk) 04:41, 10 December 2008 (UTC)