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User Lensor TyriaMissionIcon.png This user plays the 1st Guild Wars campaign: [[Guild Wars


User Lensor ElonaMissionIcon.png This user plays the 3rd Guild Wars campaign: [[Guild Wars


43px‎ This user plays the Guild Wars expansion: Eye of the North.
Dervish-tango-icon-200.png This user is a Dervish by nature.
Elementalist.png This user favors being a Fire Elementalist.
Backpack.png This user is a packrat with never enough storage


Faction (Kurzick).png This user is a member of the Kurzick alliance but doesn't care about the Alliances.
User Nian Grenth.jpg This user is a bloodsworn servant of


DervishGrenthAvatar.jpg This user's patron god is Grenth.