User:Twelve Souls/Lores

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Recovered Stories from an Adventure

The Flameseeker Prophecies.png Night Falls.png Shiro's Return.png

Lore of Striker[edit]

Seventeeen days may pass, but an anachrid feels none of that. They feel instinct of survival, for food, for shelter. Days do not pass, but worries do set. However, in the darkest corners of The Mists, one breed of surviving spiders feels every day pass as their essence slowly changes into an apeasable form for torment. The mortals of the World of Flesh are a primary target for these created fears and nightmares, as only a few blows would render enemies and other prey immobile. That is where their feast begins.

However these Black Widows usually strike their fear-induced prey while they themselves are visiting the World of Flesh, and none of them consider a possibility of their targets walking to them. That was the shock of spider commander Striker, when during an ordinary drill a fleshy cloaked in the Armor of the Dead steps into the Underworld domain. With him are heavily cloaked allies compiled of mixed profession, all armed and dangerous. Striker heard them at the end of the cavern, but thought nothing of it. What he didn't know, however, was that these "non-threats" had successfully bypassed the first line of security and left no monster with mercy.

That was Striker's downfall, as this band of rogue killers progressed through the Mist-formed tunnels slaughtering anything that moved. Finally Striker saw the invaders and remained still, as they killed his entire squad. Ready to admit death, he layed down hoping the blow would be quick. His death was naught, as the leader began using a skill against him that suddenly enraged him. Acting quickly, Striker struck his assailant, fighting for his freedom from a future binding to this mysterious agent. With all his strength, he struck one last time, before finally succumbering to the power of this unusual character. The skill finished and Striker, a class four commander of several legions of spiders, was now an ally of those he usually murders and eats. - The Tome of an Ex-Dead

Lore of Flap Aerborn[edit]

The palaces of Cantha grew dark on a cloudy day, the shadows cloaking settlements in an evil vail. Far from the noise caused by the Kurzicks and Luxons in their usual quabble, the animals of the palaces and estates of Cantha graze, swim, and fly in this dull, sunless day of depression. Except for one phoenix who resides within Cantha's largest palace. The days grew darker for this aviator, as the grasp of Shiro continued to strangle the cities and towns, the largest blows hitting the Kurzicks and Luxons. Flap Aerborn has been a captive for Shiro since his rise to power, and was forbibben to leave the chambers. His chambers consisted of a walled-in room, complete with a ceiling, a pond, and a sack of seed. Confined to close quarters, he would keep up his agility by flying around this room every three days, else his wings would begin to fail.

This treatment seemed to last forever, but when he overheard the guards talking about "the savior of the city", morale skyrocketed. However, Shiro was tough and the chances of any mortals surviving Shiro's blows would be slim. The dark lord began establishing a collection of his victims, and the number was around 68 or so - a lethal status for Shiro. Settling down, Flap perched next to a window that overlooked the main courtyard. If anybody was going to try and defeat Shiro, Flap wanted a front row seat.

He did not have to wait long, as a party of 8 individuals rushed the courtyard where Shiro was waiting. The intruders were lost in a blur of blows, Shiro's skills mixing with these unusual characters'. Colors of the legendary Celestial Skills began appearing, showing true heroes and someone with a fighting chance. Slowly, Shiro began to back down, realising he was matched. One final blow and Shiro fell, something that hasn't happened for hundreds of years. That same Hero quickly turned to Flap (who was 50 feet away, 2 stories up) and began using a skill that suddenly opened his mind towards this Adventurer and most of his memories. He then quickly backed away from the window, as the charmer struck at the window, shattering it. It was at that moment, the sun peeked out from the clouds. - The Scroll of Near Eternity.