User talk:Azreal of skyrim/Barbarian

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Ok, heres what I see wrong with your skill balance:

Blood Rage is way worse than Thoughtless Rage... Anti Hex, or 9 hp per hit?.. Not a tough choice.
Enrage is worse than both of them. 20% movement/IAS but worse uptime?
Epic Endurance seems like a waste - Its shadow form w/o the invuln, but a more armor instead...
Wind of the bear is way too strong.
Tree Hide is shit. 25 armor yay! But osht, I can't kite from anything! Kiting>25 armor. Why do you think stand your ground isnt used?
Blizzard is OPed. Blind and Daze in AoE for FIFTEEN SECONDS is so OPed.
Change Call of the Lightning to be on critical hits instead of a random percentage. Scale the duration w/ the attribute. ~~ User:Frvwfr2 frvwfr2 (talk · contributions) 16:03, 19 August 2008 (UTC)

ok this i see wrong with your ideas

1.btw its 9 hp per hit or anti hex and no energy so therefor your unable to use any skills but in saying that i forgot to add that while useing thoughtless rage you have -2 pips of energy regen
2.well i had it like that as it wasnt an elite like the others but it might need a bit of a buff
3.think of it more like defy pain and add in the idea "Get in there,kill stuff,get out asap" and then can you see why i have it as it is, and btw is there any real need for swearing? can you be more spersiffic?
5.well i added tree hide as a way to protect yourself while your weakend by the rage downtime as you will only have 60 armor, no energy and only 2 pips of energy regen to use for powering your protection while being in the middle of a fight
6.mmmm...good point i think i might change it to only a few secconds no, changing it to critical hits would mean that this would become another skill that sins will be able to abuse

--Azreal of SkyrimUser Azreal of skyrim signature.jpg 21:39, 19 August 2008 (UTC)

1.Anti Hex is VERY powerful, especially in this hex snare meta.
2.Make it 25%, and the others 33%
3.Except its bad. Defy Pain is bad.
4.It will basically make the game a standstill, with all of 1 team having shortbows to KD lock the others till they die. It is just a crappy gameplay mechanic, that will encourage gimmicks.
5.Kiting>1/3 less damage. Really, it is.
6.Just make it target foe and all adjacent foes or w/e are struck for blah and blah. But then it kicks thunderclap in the face.
7.Better than being unusable.
8.Jab and Smash is OPed. Its an adrenaline blackout, but maintainable basically, at no cost to the user. ~~ User:Frvwfr2 frvwfr2 (talk · contributions) 14:31, 20 August 2008 (UTC)
1.well personaly i realy cant see the problem with it for the reson i posted above but if u have any segestions on making it more balanced i would realy like to hear em
2.well that sounds ok to me
3.well for a melee char with only 60 armor, i think it could come in handy
4.oh yeah i didnt think about that i just thought of its uses in pve, i think i might change it to all attack skills do 5..15..20 damage
5.what about 2/3?
6.well i didnt understand a word you wrote so im just going to have it just do blind and im not going to tone it down any more as now its fire storm but with blind added on and any lower and it wouldnt even be worth keeping it as an elite
7.unuseable?? how??
8.ok so i will add a 8 seccond recharge

--Azreal of SkyrimUser Azreal of skyrim signature.jpg 21:00, 20 August 2008 (UTC)

1.Well if you can't use atk skills, its fine I guess.
2.Its just the standard numbers, so ye.
3.Ok, but noone will use it.
4.That works. Majorly OPed in RSpike though....
5.That would be OPed as you could just stand still and take it and cast all at once.
6.I meant to make it not an AoE DoT, just a single 1 time effect
7.Make it a lesser effect, but like 75% of the time. Like a 2s daze. Or every hit even...
8.That sounds reasonable.

User:Frvwfr2 frvwfr2 (talk · contributions) 21:25, 20 August 2008 (UTC)

wow that was quick

5.ok so what kind of armor would be need to make it not OPed but not conmpletely useless?
6.the damage, the effects or both??
7.mmm.. well to me that sounds OPed so what about 50% for 2 seconds of daze

--Azreal of SkyrimUser Azreal of skyrim signature.jpg 21:39, 20 August 2008 (UTC)

5.I'm not sure... Maybe like a shorter duration "block 50% of attacks" with a shorter recharge?

User:Frvwfr2 frvwfr2 (talk · contributions) 16:14, 21 August 2008 (UTC)

Are the skills more balanced now??--Azreal of SkyrimUser Azreal of skyrim signature.jpg 07:24, 22 August 2008 (UTC)


I understand what you're trying to do but find it a little wierd. You say the barbian only wears some pieces of steel, but if glasses can give up to 80 armor, you can get away with giving a class who's primary attribute gives speed 80 armor. Sounds a little OP'd, well, it is. I can understand that to counter the primary attribute, you'd give it low armor. But this is about as effective as assassins were, starting out before people learned the class. Rush in, die very quickly. Which sort of defeats the purpose.
I like the general idea of combingin Warriors and Elementalists but it's extremely flawed.- VanguardUser-VanguardAvatar.PNG 01:40, 18 September 2008 (UTC)

Ah soz i dont think ive made it clear on the page, the barbarian isnt meant to charge and die very quickly, hes meant to use the skills like epic endurance and enrage so he can charge in like a warrior on steroids with a high dps and the ability to shrug off most attacks and spells for about 30 seconds until the skills wear off then become cannon fodder for another 30 seconds and about the wars and eles bit can u be a bit more spersiffic plz--Azreal of SkyrimUser Azreal of skyrim signature.jpg 10:11, 20 September 2008 (UTC)

The force of Elements and Nature attribute line look like things Elementalists should have. And hell, Blizzard practically already exists in Snow Storm.- VanguardUser-VanguardAvatar.PNG 21:20, 26 September 2008 (UTC)
ah right yeah now i get what your saying, and yeah the force of elements skills do look a bit like ele skills but i disagree with you saying that eles would have nature skills,because ive never seen eles who uses nature spirits and skills that block physical attacks. btw i don't understand what you mean by "And hell, Blizzard practically already exists in Snow Storm" because snow storm is a dwarf skill and not a ele skill so your obviously not talking about that but if your trying to say that the skills are almost the same then you should check the difference between Snow Storm and Fire Storm but knowing me ive just misunderstood you --Azreal of SkyrimUser Azreal of skyrim signature.jpg 13:46, 27 September 2008 (UTC)