User talk:Serge Yseron/Archive15

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The jet propelled Zaishen[edit]

Is it a bird ?
Is it a plane ?
No ! It's... really funny.
User Serge Yseron the jet propelled zaishen.jpg
Serge Yseron 14:51, 17 June 2012 (UTC)

The walking dead game[edit]

User Serge Yseron gw1 the walking dead game.jpg
Serge Yseron 14:51, 17 June 2012 (UTC)


User Serge Yseron do not try me without your monk mesmer ele backup.jpg
Serge Yseron 14:52, 17 June 2012 (UTC)

Nawak too[edit]

User Serge Yseron 1xp.jpg
Serge Yseron 14:53, 17 June 2012 (UTC)

Testing the "display enemies" button[edit]

User Serge Yseron testing the display enemies button.jpg
Serge Yseron 14:54, 17 June 2012 (UTC)

When he lose, it's always his team mates's fault[edit]

User Serge Yseron angry kid.jpg
Serge Yseron 14:55, 17 June 2012 (UTC)

Walking Patton cuties[edit]

User Serge Yseron ewww.jpg
Serge Yseron 18:38, 25 June 2012 (UTC)


After i did get a bunch of inscribable req.8 armor 15 shields i begin to get inscribable req.7 armor 15 shields. The thing seems to be progressive. If i had knew, i would have seek those earlier but the game is kind of dead now. Yseron - Serge Yseron 18:41, 25 June 2012 (UTC)


Profession: Pugilist (equivalent of thai boxer)

Base armor : 80
Constraints: cannot wield shields or conventional weapons, but can wear gauntlets and leggings (blunt, slashing, piercing)

Precision - increase your chances to hit the head with high kicks / jump attacks
Strengh - increase chances to knock down target if target block

Low kicks = cause cripple and bleeding if using an attack skill
knee attacks = cause deep wound if using an attack skill
High kicks / jump attacks = cause daze, blind and bleeding if hit the head

Exemple of elite skill: Tiger knee (5e, 1/2s cast, 15s recharge) - Jump at target location using your knee to strike, if this attack hit, target foe is knocked down, otherwise target foe is interrupted

Exemple of stance: Overwhelming strengh - for 10s your chances to cause knock downs on blocking targets are increased by 25% but you move 25% slower

Yseron - 21:43, 25 June 2012 (UTC)

Shadow of fear[edit]

Too bad Homer never played guild wars, he would have known that what he saw was just a necromancer...Yseron - 22:11, 25 June 2012 (UTC)

Jack The Ripper[edit]

Some years ago i had the chance to see Jack The Ripper with the actor Michael Caine as Abberline, an inspector of the Yard. This evening i stumbled across a dvd edition of what was then a tv film, of wich i could only catch 40 minutes by accident back then (i thought it was a Sherlock Holmes movie with Jack The Ripper, imagine the excitement and anthusiasm!).
I dit not commit the crime to select the french version in the language selection menu, because you lose all the subtle inflexions and pitch varaiations in the actors voices. So i did listen to the dialogs in english (something i have recently been able to do for some months now, to my surprise). The pace of the movie is a typical tv one, but the acting is of great quality.
I will conclude this post by just saying: You got all my admiration Mr Caine, or should i say... Sir Caine. 21:49, 26 June 2012 (UTC)

Easy promises[edit]

It was my understanding that by promising they wouldnt shut down the gw1 servers, anet wasnt taking a big risk. It is now confirmed as only 1 or 2players haunt the deserted outposts across the various continents of gw1. It also shows at wich point players were playing this game for fun, not for the rewards or anything else. Yseron - 11:50, 30 June 2012 (UTC)

That way[edit]

When the (re)writter of this song (originally wriiten for Claude Francois) went to find Franky (Sinatra), this one was in the middle of a couple of mobsters. So there might be a little more guts in this song than what you think. Yseron - 12:38, 30 June 2012 (UTC)

Fun non feasible projects[edit]

Make a video of yourself warning the nurse that will receive you in 50 years to not treat you badly. Make the young yourself joke about your futur old yourself in the meanwhile. Yseron - 20:13, 3 July 2012 (UTC)

The daily WTF: the new generation[edit]

Yes but no..
The age of the captain equals...
User Serge Yseron back to the basics for ogre.jpg
Serge Yseron 22:01, 7 July 2012 (UTC)

Playing with old code[edit]

Some time ago i played to write a regular expression utility (ex: does "gw.exe" match the pattern "*g?*.e?*). Now that our current project is almost over i get some time again to toy at home in the evening and revisited the related code. I always thought that it would be possible to check regular expressions in one pass without doing all the weird stuff i was doing back then. I finally have been able to prove it to myself by reducing the code by 80% and i no longer store some useless extra infos on the patterns wich mean that the memory footprint for the thing is now minimal. Yseron - 03:16, 8 July 2012 (UTC)

Video games like you might not have seen them yet[edit]

Trust me, this one is...disturbing. Yseron - 15:47, 8 July 2012 (UTC)

Colliding was the box[edit]

User Serge Yseron colliding was aabox.jpg
Serge Yseron 22:50, 12 July 2012 (UTC)

In reality, in the worst case scenario we got zero divisions if the corners are too far from each other, and only one division if the corners will touch. This is due to the fact that we perform the division only if the nominator is equal or inferior to the denominator, and that we dont need to process other planes than the first one collided. That aside, i stumbled across an all-time good reference for zombie movies. If you were too young to see it, here is your chance. Yseron - 22:49, 16 July 2012 (UTC)

Boring fatality[edit]

Ok, gw is dead. But we are not going to leave like this. Me and Johny Three Legs are going to setup a last convoy for the domain of anguish, healed by The Psychopath if he agree to leave Headbutt at home for once (we will take him anyway). Yseron - 21:25, 19 July 2012 (UTC)