User talk:WikiHelper

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moved from Feedback talk:Game updates/20110322

I kind of glad that we won't A/Me, A/*, or */A repeatedly running in and out of the Tombs. However, I fear that sooner or later, there will not be anyone at the Tombs anymore. Last I remember, there's really no inspiration or reward toward getting through the Tombs. Sure, there are some green items at the end, but will people really go through 4 levels of some of the hardest monsters in the game just to get an Ogre-Slaying Knife or something of the sort?

We don't even get any recognition from the HoM and even if we do, the calculator probably won't recognize it for a while. Sure, there's a Zaishen Bounty for it, but its still way too hard to progress past the first level now with a conventional balanced team. This is because of 1) the massive amount of damage and 2) massive amount of interrupts and energy loss that most balanced teams are unable to counter. If something is not done about this soon, the Tombs along with its "dungeon" will soon be forgotten and deserted by almost everyone.

By the way, as I recall, isn't the last major update to the outpost like in 2005 or 2006 where the Tombs was destroyed, supposedly by Abaddon's weight? Isn't that a bit old now since most people have already "vanquished" Abaddon?

In my opinion, the GW teams needs to make it into some type of Elite Mission like in the Factions campaign. We also need to consider that there's probably a bunch of Assassins that are probably working on a way to Speed Clear through the 4 levels if it does change into an Elite Mission.- WikiHelper

Please use Feedback:Getting started so that Anet can review and legally use suggestions. G R E E N E R 02:18, 23 March 2011 (UTC)
It's not terribly hard. When 7 hero party was released, I went through it the first time just to see what it was about. I found Slaver's Exile much more difficult. I had to laugh when you mentioned the Ogre knife. I got that at the end and stood there looking around "Was that it? All this for a green knife more suitable to a tutorial area?"
Nonetheless, I had fun, and that's what counts; even got a couple of rubies along the way. If they ever up the rewards, add an honor title or such, I'll do it again, but otherwise, meh. 02:33, 23 March 2011 (UTC)
This is going to tank the in-game economy! There is going to be less ecto available, and fewer people will be able to get the higher end items and armour. There is essentially no means by which to gather ecto for the "average player" anymore. This is one of the WORST nerfs I've seen in five years.
The average player doesn't deserve ecto. It's supposed to be a reward for challenging content, not a daily quota to meet. User Felix Omni Signature.pngelix Omni 03:03, 23 March 2011 (UTC)

That sounded way too elitist, but hey, they nerfed survivor, drunkard and LDOA so an average player can obtain that without spending most of his life in front of a game doing Kilroy, using a "zoning trick" to get drunkard and letting himself killed to get defender> so I understand when the people gets happy because no average players will have a obby because they are too busy with other stuff like RL--Batousai 03:51, 23 March 2011 (UTC)

First: Th'fuck guys? This wasn't a suggestion this was feedback? Why was it moved from the Feedback portal?
Second: Theres already a way to SC tombs. It just fell out of Practice. it involves 6 SF Dagger sins, A bonder, And an orders Necro.
Third: With the Amount of elite areas that have become laughably easy due to SF speedclears, ectos HAVE become a daily quota. They're not elite anymore, and getting used to that would be in your best interest seeing as they will never become elite again. TL;DR get over it.
--BriarUser Briar Sig 3.jpgThe Spider 04:15, 23 March 2011 (UTC)

Personally I find that the game has grown centered around the daily missions. Theres very little reason to play apart from getting the most elite items. By nerfing this farm theyven given even less reason for the average player to keep playing. There are many many games out there that are being changed on a daily basis and improved but GW isnt one of them anymore. 15:11, 25 March 2011 (UTC)