ArenaNet:Guild Wars 2 suggestions/Family Access-Key

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Guild Wars 2 Suggestions


I know that some others have had this conflict, but we had to buy 2 different games to get key codes just so that me and my brother could play together, this ends up costing us more money then we should for then we need to buy 2 copies of every expansion to play them. i just thought that maybe you could some how allow us to work off of the same access key by doing this: the second, or 3rd person if the case may be, can create an account using the key code but cant play the game until the original account user verifies the duplication of their access key so they can play with them, and perhaps give a list of the account names asking for use of their access key so that they know exactly who they are letting to use their access key.

Why this is a good idea
  •  Many families may no longer have to buy multiple games just so they can play together.
  •  Still helps to regulate the access key.
Why it may not work out
  •  Some may allow their friends, not just their family, to use the key
  •  NCsoft will lose money, since their main profit comes from purchased games and not from monthly payments.
  •  Some may sell access for a reduced/undercutting price and make money from the system.