Feedback:User/MularcTemplare/Races Mission Pack/First Contact

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First Contact is the story of Viiya. The mission area can be entered from a copy of Viiya's Story obtained from Durmand [Historian] in Lion's Arch, Kaineng Center or Kamadan.

Mission information[edit]


  • Must have Viiya's Sceptor equipped.
  • Must be sole party member.


  • Warn the settlement about the Destroyer threat.
  • Help the other Asura krewes power up their GOLEMs (0/5 Re-activated)
  • Direct the other Asura to the evacuation point. (0/15 Warned)
  • Close the other Asura gates to stem the tide of Destroyers. (0/5 Destroyed)
  • Get to the evacuation point!


  • 500 Gold

Discovery Mode[edit]

You have to complete the mission one time before this mode is available.

1. Time Trial - You discovered how quickly Viiya could have escaped the Destroyers in the tunnels

  • Get to the Asura gate in under 10 Minutes.
  • Reward:
    • 2 Platinum 500 Gold
    • You've made a new discovery! See Durmand [Historian] for a reward.

2. Historical Debate - You showed how Viiya could have activated the abandoned GOLEMs to help slow the tide of Destroyers

  • Activate the three five extra GOLEMS in the tunnels. These GOLEMs will help the player by being able to hold back the tide of destroyers for a small amount of time.
  • Reward:
    • 2 Platinum 500 Gold
    • You've made a new discovery! See Durmand [Historian] for a reward.

3. Historical Debate - You showed how many Asura Viiya could have saved.

  • Notify the 5 extra groups of Asura in the Settlement.
  • Reward:
    • 2 Platinum 500 Gold
    • You've made a new discovery! See Durmand [Historian] for a reward.


During this mission, you have the Viiya, 550 Health, 50 Energy, 4 Energy regeneration.

This mission is roughly divided into two acts, with a cutscene separating them.

Act 1[edit]

Players will assume control of Viiya just outside of the work site which she was at. Her workmates will yell to her to run and warn the settlement. For this act, players will pretty much be running away from both the tide of destroyers and the lava building up behind them. Initially, players will only have the ability to slow down the groups of enemies, but should be able to deal with pop-ups which will occur in their way 1 on 1 fairly easily. At about 3/4 of the way to the gate a group will spawn and Viiya will remark how the roof of the tunnel looks unstable, and learn the Collapse Stalactite skill, which will allow the player to deal with the destroyer group easily (the pop-up groups are weak, only having 100 to 150 health, whereas the chasing group will have health in the 500's and the inherent +2 regeneration that bosses have.)

As the player near the gate, they will find other Asura. Most will cry out for help, and players will have to help 2 groups to proceed by clicking on the inactive GOLEM's with them and powering them up before moving on (there is two with the first group and three with the second). Fairly quickly, players will come upon the gate and just have to step through it to initiate Act 2.

Act 2[edit]

After the short cutscene, the player will resume control of Viiya heading into the settlement. You'll need to click on the other Asura to tell them where the evacuation point is, after which you can safely leave them to run away. They will be spread out in five groups across parts of the settlement, so this objective can be done whilst closing the other gates. These Asura will be in plain sight, in the "streets" of the place.

Note: Depending on how much of a gap there was between Viiya and the Destroyer tide, it will take longer to spawn Destroyers from this gate. (The Destroyers will not be physically spawned from this gate, only teleported from the previous gate to this one, to stop this having to be a coding change.)

To close the other gates, players need to come close to the gates and use the Destroy Asura Gate skill. They need to be careful to clear away the Destroyers guarding the gate, as more will spawn when the skill is used. (These destroyers will have pop-up style health, and thus can be dispatched easily.) After closing each gate Destroyers will spawn slightly quicker at the others, capping out at 10%.

Once all the other gates are closed, players will need to rush to the larger gate, which serves as the evacuation point. Here they will need to again use their slowdown skills, as all the spawned destroyers will stop chasing survivors and focus on the player. Once the player reaches the gate, the mission ends and a cutscene will play.

Discovery: Time Trial[edit]

This is a speed run, and would be dependent on timings. Note that it only counts the time for Act 1, Act 2 is not included.

Discovery: Abandoned GOLEMs[edit]

The abandoned GOLEMs will be positioned by themselves in alcoves leading away from the main tunnel. The first occurs not long after the player takes control, and the last will be positioned to the left of the Asura gate. Between the two, the remaining three will be further off the path.

Discovery: Warning the People[edit]

These extra Asura will be found as three groups, hiding in destroyed buildings off the beaten path. They are not technically inside instanced buildings, as this is impossible with GW tech, but standing in the courtyards or workshops they were in. As with the others, notifying them is enough to attain the discovery mode.


Cinematic 1[edit]

In this cinematic, Viiya comes through the Asura gate overlooking the city, which is in a bowl shaped cavern, with the "capital building" in the middle of the structure. Viiya will notice the Destroyers already streaming out of the other gates, and run down into the city proper. She'll warn the closest group to evacuate, and the cutscene will end and players will resume control.

Cinematic 2[edit]

As Viiya reaches the gate she'll turn around to see the veritable tide of Destroyers swarming up towards the gate, and remark to herself how there is no way the survivors would be prepared for the tide that's coming. She then turns back towards the gate, and uses the skill Destroy the Gate. The screen pans back and shows her resigned to her fate as the tide of Destroyers catch up to her. The camera then pans to the survivors emerging from a cave into the Tarnished Coast, and shows the Asura finding the ruins and melds into an image of Rata Sum.

The following voiceover plays from the moment Viiya resigns herself to her fate.

"Amoung the Asura, those who display great intellect are held high."
"That day one became a hero for a different quality: courage."
"Viiya died to give her people a chance."
"The Asura quickly adapted to surface life."
"Viiya's legend was swiftly forgotten in the past"
"But those who remembered will never forget her greatest invention."
"A chance at a new life."


  • This mission is started by opening Viiya's Story and clicking the "Enter Mission" button in the book.
  • Adding mods to Viiya's Sceptor does not affect your stats while you are in the mission.
  • The Rewards for this mission pack are not weapons, but tokens. See the main suggestion for more info.